
The blog is a place where GRAIN posts short pieces or just shares information produced with our network.

When CP came to the village: An interview with Wirat Phromson of Thailand's Northern Peasants' Federation

Wirat Phromson, a farmer from Chiang Rai, in northern Thailand, talks about his village's experience with contract farming for Thailand's biggest meat company, Charoen Pokphand.

Wirat Phromson, a farmer from Chiang Rai, in northern Thailand, talks about his village's experience with contract farming for Thailand's biggest meat company, Charoen Pokphand.

Geopolitics of drought

Ian Masters interviews Eric Holt-Giménez about the current drought affecting numerous grain-producing countries and its potential impacts

Ian Masters interviews Eric Holt-Giménez about the current drought affecting numerous grain-producing countries and its potential impacts

The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse - G8 corporate power

A Faustian bargain was made at the June 2012 G8 meeting by US President Obama. Instead of delivering on commitments, he changed tack and roped in a $3 billion "pledge of corporate assistance" for African agriculture.

A Faustian bargain was made at the June 2012 G8 meeting by US President Obama. Instead of delivering on commitments, he changed tack and roped in a $3 billion "pledge of corporate assistance" for African agriculture.

Carbon trading and REDD+ in Mozambique: farmers ‘grow’ carbon for the benefit of polluters

With the Rio+20 conference about to open, we would like to share with you a real life story from Mozambique on the problems that rural communities get themselves into with carbon trading projects. When farmers start growing carbon instead of food. Written and documented by Via Campsina Africa.

With the Rio+20 conference about to open, we would like to share with you a real life story from Mozambique on the problems that rural communities get themselves into with carbon trading projects. When farmers start growing carbon instead of food. Written and documented by Via Campsina Africa.

Mexican rural organisations block Monsanto law to privatize seeds and plants

Progressive small farmer organizations in Mexico scored a victory over transnational corporations that seek to monopolize seed and food patents. When the corporations pushed their bill to modify the Federal Law on Plant Varieties through the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies on March 14, organizations of farmers from across the country sounded the alarm. By organizing quickly, they joined together to pressure legislators and achieved an agreement with the legislative committee to remove the bill from the floor.

Progressive small farmer organizations in Mexico scored a victory over transnational corporations that seek to monopolize seed and food patents. When the corporations pushed their bill to modify the Federal Law on Plant Varieties through the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies on March 14, organizations of farmers from across the country sounded the alarm. By organizing quickly, they joined together to pressure legislators and achieved an agreement with the legislative committee to remove the bill from the floor.

The reasons of maize

Being Mexico the centre of origin of maize, one of the four most crucial crops for humanity, any attack on maize and to the peoples that grow it are attacks against the oldest and most potential strategies of humanity. This is a powerful and beautiful text, presented on October 21st in front of the peoples permanent Tribunal that will session in Mexico from now to 2014.

Being Mexico the centre of origin of maize, one of the four most crucial crops for humanity, any attack on maize and to the peoples that grow it are attacks against the oldest and most potential strategies of humanity. This is a powerful and beautiful text, presented on October 21st in front of the peoples permanent Tribunal that will session in Mexico from now to 2014.

Seeds of freedom - the movie

Seeds of Freedom charts the story of seed from its roots at the heart of traditional, diversity rich farming systems across the world, to being transformed into a powerful commodity, used to monopolise the global food system. Worth to see!

Seeds of Freedom charts the story of seed from its roots at the heart of traditional, diversity rich farming systems across the world, to being transformed into a powerful commodity, used to monopolise the global food system. Worth to see!

Nestlé becomes latest foreign corporation building mega dairy farms in China

The Swiss multinational corporation has signed an agreement with a local government in north China's Inner Mongolia region to build a 2,000 cow dairy farm in the area. Meanwhile New Zealand's Fonterra, a major supplier of powdered milk to Nestlé, says it will supply 1 billion litres of milk per year from its own farms in China by 2012.

The Swiss multinational corporation has signed an agreement with a local government in north China's Inner Mongolia region to build a 2,000 cow dairy farm in the area. Meanwhile New Zealand's Fonterra, a major supplier of powdered milk to Nestlé, says it will supply 1 billion litres of milk per year from its own farms in China by 2012.

Letter from African Civil Society Critical of Foreign Investment in African Agriculture at G8 Summit

In the lead up to the May 2012 G8 summit in the USA, a meeting was organised to give agribusiness a platform to explain their views and initiatives to acieve food security in Africa. The G8 also dealt with the issue. Here is what the African farmers have to say about it.

In the lead up to the May 2012 G8 summit in the USA, a meeting was organised to give agribusiness a platform to explain their views and initiatives to acieve food security in Africa. The G8 also dealt with the issue. Here is what the African farmers have to say about it.

TetraPak goes "Deeper in the Pyramid"

TetraPak says the world's 2.7 billion low-income people are the next big growth opportunity for the dairy industry. Those people are currently served fresh milk and dairy products by small farmers and local markets. TetraPak wants them buying packaged "alternatives to whole milk" produced by corporations.

TetraPak says the world's 2.7 billion low-income people are the next big growth opportunity for the dairy industry. Those people are currently served fresh milk and dairy products by small farmers and local markets. TetraPak wants them buying packaged "alternatives to whole milk" produced by corporations.

Civil society open letter to EU institutions for a better seed legislation

The European Commission (DG SANCO) is presently working on a review of EU legislation on the Marketing of Seed and Propagating Material. Arche Noah invites you to join an open letter demanding positive change in favour of biodiversity, small farmers, seed savers and consumers.  

The European Commission (DG SANCO) is presently working on a review of EU legislation on the Marketing of Seed and Propagating Material. Arche Noah invites you to join an open letter demanding positive change in favour of biodiversity, small farmers, seed savers and consumers.  

With a corporate culture built on bribery, Walmart was running with plenty to hide

A recent New York Times article exposed how Walmart paid at least $24 million in bribes to facilitate its expansion in Mexico. Wade Rathke of Acorn International wonders whether the same system has been active in Walmart's work to expand and find a foothold in India where their efforts and others to modify the restrictions on foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail have been huge political issues in recent months, bringing government to a standstill at some points.

A recent New York Times article exposed how Walmart paid at least $24 million in bribes to facilitate its expansion in Mexico. Wade Rathke of Acorn International wonders whether the same system has been active in Walmart's work to expand and find a foothold in India where their efforts and others to modify the restrictions on foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail have been huge political issues in recent months, bringing government to a standstill at some points.

Gulf states outsourcing basmati in the Philippines, while Philippines does the same with hybrid rice in Cambodia

The Philippines' Agriculture Secretary announces his government is going ahead with a large-scale evaluation of three Basmati rice varieties for export to Kuwait and Qatar, while, at the same time, he says they are pursuing the outsourcing of hybrid rice production in Cambodia.

The Philippines' Agriculture Secretary announces his government is going ahead with a large-scale evaluation of three Basmati rice varieties for export to Kuwait and Qatar, while, at the same time, he says they are pursuing the outsourcing of hybrid rice production in Cambodia.