Congress urged to probe golden rice by MASIPAG | 8 Sep 2017 Philippines | hybrid rice | GMOs Quezon City – A House Resolution directing an inquiry on the controversial Golden Rice has been filed at the House of Representatives today, as an effort to stem the imminent re-introduction of the genetically modified (GM) crop in the country. Quezon City – A House Resolution directing an inquiry on the controversial Golden Rice has been filed at the House of Representatives today, as an effort to stem the imminent re-introduction of the genetically modified (GM) crop in the country.
Tanzania launches project aimed at doubling rice production by Xinhua | 3 May 2016 Tanzania | hybrid rice Tanzania has launched a five-year farming project aimed at doubling its rice production. The move came a few days after the government announced a ban on the imports of rice in order to create a bigger market for locally produced rice. Tanzania has launched a five-year farming project aimed at doubling its rice production. The move came a few days after the government announced a ban on the imports of rice in order to create a bigger market for locally produced rice.
Gulf states outsourcing basmati in the Philippines, while Philippines does the same with hybrid rice in Cambodia by GRAIN | 25 Apr 2012 Philippines | food crisis | hybrid rice The Philippines' Agriculture Secretary announces his government is going ahead with a large-scale evaluation of three Basmati rice varieties for export to Kuwait and Qatar, while, at the same time, he says they are pursuing the outsourcing of hybrid rice production in Cambodia. The Philippines' Agriculture Secretary announces his government is going ahead with a large-scale evaluation of three Basmati rice varieties for export to Kuwait and Qatar, while, at the same time, he says they are pursuing the outsourcing of hybrid rice production in Cambodia.
Syngenta draws on funds from the Indian government to promote its hybrid rice seeds and pesticides by | 29 Aug 2011 hybrid rice | India An article in domain-b is reporting that the Swiss seeds and pesticide giant Syngenta will be drawing on funds from the Indian government for the promotion of its hybrid rice seeds and pesticides. An article in domain-b is reporting that the Swiss seeds and pesticide giant Syngenta will be drawing on funds from the Indian government for the promotion of its hybrid rice seeds and pesticides.
Hybrid rice suffers severe blow as ‘choosy’ consumers prefer HYV by Financial Express | 20 Jun 2011 Bangladesh | technologies | hybrid rice The Financial Express reports on how farmers in Bangladesh are dumping hybridrice because of the poor sale price and says the burgeoning seed industry faces a crisis. The Financial Express reports on how farmers in Bangladesh are dumping hybridrice because of the poor sale price and says the burgeoning seed industry faces a crisis.