Hybrid rice suffers severe blow as ‘choosy’ consumers prefer HYV by Financial Express | 20 Jun 2011 Bangladesh | technologies | hybrid rice The Financial Express reports on how farmers in Bangladesh are dumping hybridrice because of the poor sale price and says the burgeoning seed industry faces a crisis. The Financial Express reports on how farmers in Bangladesh are dumping hybridrice because of the poor sale price and says the burgeoning seed industry faces a crisis.
The food and climate connection by | 25 May 2011 food crisis | climate crisis | United States A great 10 minute video from Whyhunger explaining how the current food system is one of the main drivers behind the climate crisis, and how food sovereignty can be a major solution. A perspective from the USA. A great 10 minute video from Whyhunger explaining how the current food system is one of the main drivers behind the climate crisis, and how food sovereignty can be a major solution. A perspective from the USA.
The IMF: Violating women since 1945 by | 20 May 2011 As Dominique Strauss Kahn sits in a New York jail, Christine Ahn and Kavita Ramdas draw the link between the rape charges filed against him and the IMF's policies of systematic rape of the earth -- including the privatisation of seeds, land, water, forests and fisheries. As Dominique Strauss Kahn sits in a New York jail, Christine Ahn and Kavita Ramdas draw the link between the rape charges filed against him and the IMF's policies of systematic rape of the earth -- including the privatisation of seeds, land, water, forests and fisheries.
EU seed laws (official consultation) by | 19 May 2011 seeds & biodiversity The European Union is reviewing its seed marketing legislation. What does it mean? Who will benefit? The European Union is reviewing its seed marketing legislation. What does it mean? Who will benefit?
There can be no justifications for land grabbing! by | 17 Apr 2011 land grabbing | actions “There can be no justifications for land grabbing!” social movements and CSOs tell World Bank, UN agencies and government. A news release. “There can be no justifications for land grabbing!” social movements and CSOs tell World Bank, UN agencies and government. A news release.
Eco-farming can double food production in 10 years by | 8 Mar 2011 food crisis | seeds & biodiversity | food sovereignty According to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food. He's right. Read his study. According to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food. He's right. Read his study.
The political economy of milk in Punjab: A people’s perspective by Punjab Lok Sujag | 9 Dec 2010 Pakistan | food safety Pathbreaking report on dairy in Pakistan from August 2003. Pathbreaking report on dairy in Pakistan from August 2003.
The world food crisis: causes and solutions by | 14 Nov 2010 food crisis | corporations | climate crisis A video with Peter Rosset's take on the issue. Good introduction. A video with Peter Rosset's take on the issue. Good introduction.
Miami rice: the business of disaster in Haiti by | 5 Oct 2010 Haiti | food crisis Among those benefiting handsomely from the disaster aid are U.S. corporations who have accessed U.S. government contracts. A reveiling story by Beverly Bell and Tory Field Among those benefiting handsomely from the disaster aid are U.S. corporations who have accessed U.S. government contracts. A reveiling story by Beverly Bell and Tory Field
Open source seeds? by | 24 Sep 2010 corporations | seeds & biodiversity | food sovereignty An interesting proposal by Jack Kloppenburg to defend seeds learning from the open source software movement An interesting proposal by Jack Kloppenburg to defend seeds learning from the open source software movement
Rooibos robbery by | 26 May 2010 corporations | South Africa | actions Nestlé accused of biopirating South African genetic resources Nestlé accused of biopirating South African genetic resources
The global food supply chain by 3Dthree | 7 May 2010 corporations | technologies | food crisis A good overview of how the global food supply chain has developed over the past decades. By 3D A good overview of how the global food supply chain has developed over the past decades. By 3D
Stop land grabbing now by | 22 Apr 2010 land grabbing | actions Say No to the principles of “responsible” agro-enterprise investment promoted by the World Bank - a message to the World Bank and the international community. By La Via Campesina – FIAN – Land Research Action Network – GRAIN, and many others. 22 April 2010 Say No to the principles of “responsible” agro-enterprise investment promoted by the World Bank - a message to the World Bank and the international community. By La Via Campesina – FIAN – Land Research Action Network – GRAIN, and many others. 22 April 2010
An open letter to Oxfam America by | 12 Apr 2010 Burkina Faso | India | South Africa | China | technologies | actions An Oxfam America project concludes that “transgenic crops offer enormous possibilities". The open letterr, co-signed by GRAIN, expresses concern. An Oxfam America project concludes that “transgenic crops offer enormous possibilities". The open letterr, co-signed by GRAIN, expresses concern.