
The blog is a place where GRAIN posts short pieces or just shares information produced with our network.

World Bank told to stop lending to land grabbers

The World Bank is considering a loan of up US$30 million to help Calyx Agro expand its operations in Latin America. An open letter denounces the Bank for its on-going support to other leading investors involved in land grabbing around the world.

The World Bank is considering a loan of up US$30 million to help Calyx Agro expand its operations in Latin America. An open letter denounces the Bank for its on-going support to other leading investors involved in land grabbing around the world.

On Bill Gates, trains and fertilizers

A brilliant comment by Brewster Kneen in the Rams Horm on how Bill Gates makes money from increased fertilizer use by investing in trains.

A brilliant comment by Brewster Kneen in the Rams Horm on how Bill Gates makes money from increased fertilizer use by investing in trains.

America struggles - 5th Congress of the CLOC

America struggles - 5th Congress of the CLOC (Latin American Coordination of Peasant Organisations) - video in English

America struggles - 5th Congress of the CLOC (Latin American Coordination of Peasant Organisations) - video in English

Stop land grabbing in Taiwan!

Taiwan Rural Front holds an international press conference requesting the authorities to stop land grabbing in Taiwan, with support from other movements and groups. This event is a prelude to a farmer mobilisation on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of Presidential Office next week.

Taiwan Rural Front holds an international press conference requesting the authorities to stop land grabbing in Taiwan, with support from other movements and groups. This event is a prelude to a farmer mobilisation on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of Presidential Office next week.

G20-Agriculture: Hundreds of organizations say STOP farm land grabbing!

Hundreds of civil society organisations launched a global appeal against farmland grabbing during the G20 meeting on Agriculture in Paris on June 22 and 23 2011. Read the press release here.

Hundreds of civil society organisations launched a global appeal against farmland grabbing during the G20 meeting on Agriculture in Paris on June 22 and 23 2011. Read the press release here.

The food and climate connection

A great 10 minute video from Whyhunger explaining how the current food system is one of the main drivers behind the climate crisis, and how food sovereignty can be a major solution. A perspective from the USA.

A great 10 minute video from Whyhunger explaining how the current food system is one of the main drivers behind the climate crisis, and how food sovereignty can be a major solution. A perspective from the USA.

The IMF: Violating women since 1945

As Dominique Strauss Kahn sits in a New York jail, Christine Ahn and Kavita Ramdas draw the link between the rape charges filed against him and the IMF's policies of systematic rape of the earth -- including the privatisation of seeds, land, water, forests and fisheries.

As Dominique Strauss Kahn sits in a New York jail, Christine Ahn and Kavita Ramdas draw the link between the rape charges filed against him and the IMF's policies of systematic rape of the earth -- including the privatisation of seeds, land, water, forests and fisheries.

There can be no justifications for land grabbing!

“There can be no justifications for land grabbing!” social movements and CSOs tell World Bank, UN agencies and government. A news release.

“There can be no justifications for land grabbing!” social movements and CSOs tell World Bank, UN agencies and government. A news release.