
The blog is a place where GRAIN posts short pieces or just shares information produced with our network.

Thailand's swine fever cover-up: a disaster for its small pig farms

Indications are that the Thai government may have been covering up the presence of African swine fever in the country for the past two years. Now, with extensive reports of ASF as the reason for a dramatic loss of small pig farms and an 80 per cent increase in pork prices, the government is in the hot seat.

Indications are that the Thai government may have been covering up the presence of African swine fever in the country for the past two years. Now, with extensive reports of ASF as the reason for a dramatic loss of small pig farms and an 80 per cent increase in pork prices, the government is in the hot seat.

Will digital land records stop land grabs in Indonesia?

Indonesia has long faced the serious issue of land grabs, driving indigenous and rural communities into conflict with plantation, forestry and infrastructure developers. Could digitising land records and national geospatial information help resolve land conflicts, and promote agrarian reform?

Indonesia has long faced the serious issue of land grabs, driving indigenous and rural communities into conflict with plantation, forestry and infrastructure developers. Could digitising land records and national geospatial information help resolve land conflicts, and promote agrarian reform?

The inseparable trio: land grabbing, deforestation, and climate crisis

There is overwhelming evidence of a link between deforestation and the climate crisis. However, there has not yet been an in-depth study carried out into the impact of land grabbing on deforestation, and therefore also on climate change, over the last few decades. From our investigations at GRAIN, the first conclusion is clear: we must immediately end land grabbing and land concentration by large corporate groups to put a stop to the current climate crisis.

There is overwhelming evidence of a link between deforestation and the climate crisis. However, there has not yet been an in-depth study carried out into the impact of land grabbing on deforestation, and therefore also on climate change, over the last few decades. From our investigations at GRAIN, the first conclusion is clear: we must immediately end land grabbing and land concentration by large corporate groups to put a stop to the current climate crisis.

Big farms don’t feed the world

A controversy has erupted over who feeds the world. The FAO is backtracking and has come up with a report claiming that small farmers feed only a third of the world’s population. If it were true that small food producers only feed a third of the population, then that means that big farms feed the other two thirds. A closer look at what big farms really produce, paint a very different picture.

A controversy has erupted over who feeds the world. The FAO is backtracking and has come up with a report claiming that small farmers feed only a third of the world’s population. If it were true that small food producers only feed a third of the population, then that means that big farms feed the other two thirds. A closer look at what big farms really produce, paint a very different picture.

Lessons from the communities of the Puebla-Hidalgo Sierra in Mexico that resist a TC-Energy gas pipeline

This document tells the story of communities in the Puebla-Hidalgo Sierra that defend their water commons (against the Tuxpan-Tula gas pipeline). We stress the fact that it was built through participation as a multi-layered research piece. Its intention is to return its findings to the communities from which these voices emerged to serve as a transformation tool.

This document tells the story of communities in the Puebla-Hidalgo Sierra that defend their water commons (against the Tuxpan-Tula gas pipeline). We stress the fact that it was built through participation as a multi-layered research piece. Its intention is to return its findings to the communities from which these voices emerged to serve as a transformation tool.

PEPSICO's attempt to criminalise potato farmers in India gets revoked

Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers' Rights Authority accepts a farm activist’s Revocation Application, to revoke the varietal registration of Pepsico India Holding on potato variety FL-2027 - This precedent-setting Judgement means that anything that threatens farmers rights as contained in India's unique legislation is, and ought to be a matter of Public Interest.

Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers' Rights Authority accepts a farm activist’s Revocation Application, to revoke the varietal registration of Pepsico India Holding on potato variety FL-2027 - This precedent-setting Judgement means that anything that threatens farmers rights as contained in India's unique legislation is, and ought to be a matter of Public Interest.

Lessons from Sri Lanka’s agrochemical ban fiasco

In April 2021, Sri Lanka's president announced a ban on the import of agrochemicals. Almost two-thirds of farmers supported the transition to organic farming. Seven months later, the government announced the complete withdrawal of the agrochemical ban. So, what went wrong?

In April 2021, Sri Lanka's president announced a ban on the import of agrochemicals. Almost two-thirds of farmers supported the transition to organic farming. Seven months later, the government announced the complete withdrawal of the agrochemical ban. So, what went wrong?

FAO says food responsible for 31% of all greenhouse gas emissions, but that’s not the whole story

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) published a new study on the greenhouse gas emissions originating from the global food system. The study concludes that almost one third (31%) of human-caused climate emissions originate from the world’s agri-food systems, farm to fork. The total emissions from the food system increased almost one-fifth since 1990.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) published a new study on the greenhouse gas emissions originating from the global food system. The study concludes that almost one third (31%) of human-caused climate emissions originate from the world’s agri-food systems, farm to fork. The total emissions from the food system increased almost one-fifth since 1990.

NO to nature-based dispossessions!

In a statement released today, 257 organisations, networks and movements from 61 countries say NO to “Nature-Based Solutions”, a concept that governments and corporations are peddling at the COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. The statement warns that behind the “Nature-Based Solutions” marketing front, “nature-based dispossessions” and harmful practices such as monoculture tree plantations and industrial agriculture lurk.

In a statement released today, 257 organisations, networks and movements from 61 countries say NO to “Nature-Based Solutions”, a concept that governments and corporations are peddling at the COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. The statement warns that behind the “Nature-Based Solutions” marketing front, “nature-based dispossessions” and harmful practices such as monoculture tree plantations and industrial agriculture lurk.

The state of the global farmland grab, according to the Land Matrix

A new report from the Land Matrix looks at the state of today's global land grab for food & agriculture: 33 million ha handed over to international investors, up to 70% not yet in production, few communities consulted or compensated. GRAIN's take on it.

A new report from the Land Matrix looks at the state of today's global land grab for food & agriculture: 33 million ha handed over to international investors, up to 70% not yet in production, few communities consulted or compensated. GRAIN's take on it.

Development banks have no business financing agribusiness

On the eve of an annual gathering of public development banks in Rome, 280 groups from 70 countries have signed a letter slamming them for bankrolling the expansion of industrial agriculture, environmental destruction and corporate control of the food system. The signatories affirm only fully public and accountable funding mechanisms based on people’s actual needs can achieve real solutions to the global food crisis.

On the eve of an annual gathering of public development banks in Rome, 280 groups from 70 countries have signed a letter slamming them for bankrolling the expansion of industrial agriculture, environmental destruction and corporate control of the food system. The signatories affirm only fully public and accountable funding mechanisms based on people’s actual needs can achieve real solutions to the global food crisis.

Via Campesina and allies celebrate 25 years of food sovereignty

Via Campesina issued a statement to celebrate the launch of food sovereignty 25 years ago and demands in this 'Manifiesto for the Future of our Planet' that it is implemented everywhere.

Via Campesina issued a statement to celebrate the launch of food sovereignty 25 years ago and demands in this 'Manifiesto for the Future of our Planet' that it is implemented everywhere.

Workshop: Food Sovereignty and Digitalization of Food Systems

Digital agriculture is all the rage among governments and corporate agribusiness. But what does it really mean for small food producers and rural workers? This workshop will unpack the concept of “digitalization” and look at how corporations are pursuing forms of digital agriculture in different parts of the world that undermine peasant-led agroecology and food sovereignty. It will also demystify such concepts as datafication, digital land records, artificial intelligence and fintech. Finally, it will discuss how we might differentiate between useful technologies that support food sovereignty and those that don't, with a sharing of experiences from different parts of the world.

Digital agriculture is all the rage among governments and corporate agribusiness. But what does it really mean for small food producers and rural workers? This workshop will unpack the concept of “digitalization” and look at how corporations are pursuing forms of digital agriculture in different parts of the world that undermine peasant-led agroecology and food sovereignty. It will also demystify such concepts as datafication, digital land records, artificial intelligence and fintech. Finally, it will discuss how we might differentiate between useful technologies that support food sovereignty and those that don't, with a sharing of experiences from different parts of the world.

Livestock and climate: the problem is the industrial system

Academics who work closely with pastoralist communities through the PASTRES research programme have issued a cry in the dark for nuance and rebalancing in the global debate about meat, dairy and climate. We want to support and echo their call, as it's crucial to get the messaging and the action right.

Academics who work closely with pastoralist communities through the PASTRES research programme have issued a cry in the dark for nuance and rebalancing in the global debate about meat, dairy and climate. We want to support and echo their call, as it's crucial to get the messaging and the action right.