
The blog is a place where GRAIN posts short pieces or just shares information produced with our network.

Glyphosate and GM maize not banned in Mexico

On the last day of 2020, the Mexican government published a decree that supposedly aims to replace the agricultural poison glyphosate, and in passing also mentions that the planting of GM maize should not be allowed. Many people and media in Mexico and the rest of the world refer to it as if glyphosate and the planting of GM maize had been banned. While this something that we certainly want and need, this decree does not do that.

On the last day of 2020, the Mexican government published a decree that supposedly aims to replace the agricultural poison glyphosate, and in passing also mentions that the planting of GM maize should not be allowed. Many people and media in Mexico and the rest of the world refer to it as if glyphosate and the planting of GM maize had been banned. While this something that we certainly want and need, this decree does not do that.

The big sell-off

Indonesia rolls out the red carpet for foreign investors. According to local activists and observers, the free trade agreement between Indonesia and Switzerland is part of a strategy that will have dramatic consequences - and it goes way beyond the palm oil question.

Indonesia rolls out the red carpet for foreign investors. According to local activists and observers, the free trade agreement between Indonesia and Switzerland is part of a strategy that will have dramatic consequences - and it goes way beyond the palm oil question.

The Great Reset: Bill Gates & farming

A great video by actor Russell Brand on how Bill Gates is linked to farming and Indian farmers protests, and drawing extensively from analysis by GRAIN and Vandana Shiva.

A great video by actor Russell Brand on how Bill Gates is linked to farming and Indian farmers protests, and drawing extensively from analysis by GRAIN and Vandana Shiva.

The Big Tech takeover of agriculture is dangerous

It will endanger the livelihood of the world’s small farmers and food workers and completely transform our food systems.

It will endanger the livelihood of the world’s small farmers and food workers and completely transform our food systems.

GRAIN extends its solidarity support to farmers protesting in Delhi, India

The following statement was issued by GRAIN in support of the Indian farmers protest. It was sent to the Embassy of India in Spain, where the organisation is legally established, and was widely shared on our social media.

The following statement was issued by GRAIN in support of the Indian farmers protest. It was sent to the Embassy of India in Spain, where the organisation is legally established, and was widely shared on our social media.

1% of farms operate 70% of world's farmland

An article introducing a well researched ILC report that points to the alarming and growing concentration of farmland in the world.

An article introducing a well researched ILC report that points to the alarming and growing concentration of farmland in the world.

Video: Violence and sexual abuse against women in oil palm plantations MUST END

The video “NO to violence against women and girls living in and around oil palm plantations” denounces the violence against women in West and Central Africa whose lands have been invaded by industrial oil palm plantations.

The video “NO to violence against women and girls living in and around oil palm plantations” denounces the violence against women in West and Central Africa whose lands have been invaded by industrial oil palm plantations.

Seed keepers & truth tellers: From the frontlines of GM agriculture

PAN Asia Pacific, in collaboration with PAN North America and Hawai’i Alliance for Progressive Action, bring us an animated short that shines a bright light on how fragile and unjust so many of our interconnected global systems are.

PAN Asia Pacific, in collaboration with PAN North America and Hawai’i Alliance for Progressive Action, bring us an animated short that shines a bright light on how fragile and unjust so many of our interconnected global systems are.

Agribusiness interests hijack 2021 UN Food Systems Summit

A powerful assessment on where the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit is heading. By Anuradha Mittal of the Oakland Institute

A powerful assessment on where the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit is heading. By Anuradha Mittal of the Oakland Institute

They should not be called public development banks

Public development banks are disconnected from any sense of what “public” means and any argument about what “development” should look like. In food and farming, the backbone of our very existence, they finance corporate agribusiness. They were not set up to support any other model and have no real capacity to do so. We need a very different approach to international finance that supports communities rather than companies, and food systems free of corporate control.

Public development banks are disconnected from any sense of what “public” means and any argument about what “development” should look like. In food and farming, the backbone of our very existence, they finance corporate agribusiness. They were not set up to support any other model and have no real capacity to do so. We need a very different approach to international finance that supports communities rather than companies, and food systems free of corporate control.

Hands off our bread!

The government of Argentina just approved the world’s first GM wheat and is ready to promote its widespread use. We demand that the national government reverse the authoritarian measure that can only be explained as submission to corporate interests. This is why we briefly outline the reasons for rejecting this GM wheat from many perspectives that force us to say: Hands off our bread!

The government of Argentina just approved the world’s first GM wheat and is ready to promote its widespread use. We demand that the national government reverse the authoritarian measure that can only be explained as submission to corporate interests. This is why we briefly outline the reasons for rejecting this GM wheat from many perspectives that force us to say: Hands off our bread!

Development banks must be held accountable for their disastrous oil palm plantation investments in the Congo

The Feronia case, and other development bank investment failures, shows that there is a need to overhaul development finance institutions practices and to consider whether it might be better to just shut them down entirely. The other basic action that must be demanded of the DFIs in the Feronia case is the restitution of lands to the communities. Nine communities in the DRC have already filed a complaint to the German Investment and Development Corporation (DEG) that was accepted by the bank's Complaints Mechanism.

The Feronia case, and other development bank investment failures, shows that there is a need to overhaul development finance institutions practices and to consider whether it might be better to just shut them down entirely. The other basic action that must be demanded of the DFIs in the Feronia case is the restitution of lands to the communities. Nine communities in the DRC have already filed a complaint to the German Investment and Development Corporation (DEG) that was accepted by the bank's Complaints Mechanism.