
The blog is a place where GRAIN posts short pieces or just shares information produced with our network.

Open letter calling to stop Golden Rice in the Philippines and Bangladesh

Open letter to the directors of BRRI and PhilRice calling for a halt to the field trials of Golden Rice and the withdrawal of all applications for its regulatory approval in Bangladesh and the Philippines.

Open letter to the directors of BRRI and PhilRice calling for a halt to the field trials of Golden Rice and the withdrawal of all applications for its regulatory approval in Bangladesh and the Philippines.

Iowa crops look like food — but no one’s eating

Inside a system that traps farmers and screws up the planet. Food for thought from the heart of a US industrial farming state.

Inside a system that traps farmers and screws up the planet. Food for thought from the heart of a US industrial farming state.

Food sovereignty stories

What is food sovereignty and what does it look like in the United States? Food sovereignty can take on unique meanings in different communities, but it always puts questions of power, control, and social justice at the heart of food and farming. A great series of short videos by the US Food Sovereignty Alliance

What is food sovereignty and what does it look like in the United States? Food sovereignty can take on unique meanings in different communities, but it always puts questions of power, control, and social justice at the heart of food and farming. A great series of short videos by the US Food Sovereignty Alliance

True cost of cheap food is health and climate crises

Radical change needed to make UK food and farming system sustainable within 10 years, according to government report.

Radical change needed to make UK food and farming system sustainable within 10 years, according to government report.

Agriculture 3.0 or (smart) agroecology?

There is a lot of hype about digital agriculture or precision farming being the solution to many of the current farming problems: environmental, social, economic. But who controls the technology, and how is it related to agroecology? An interesting reflection from Europe, by Francesco Ajena.

There is a lot of hype about digital agriculture or precision farming being the solution to many of the current farming problems: environmental, social, economic. But who controls the technology, and how is it related to agroecology? An interesting reflection from Europe, by Francesco Ajena.

Civil society denounces the release of GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso

We, the undersigned civil society organisations from Africa and around the world, denounce the release of genetically modified (GM) “male-sterile” mosquitoes in Burkina Faso. The GM mosquitoes were released in the village of Bana on 1 July 2019 by the Target Malaria research consortium.

We, the undersigned civil society organisations from Africa and around the world, denounce the release of genetically modified (GM) “male-sterile” mosquitoes in Burkina Faso. The GM mosquitoes were released in the village of Bana on 1 July 2019 by the Target Malaria research consortium.

Release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Burkina Faso : communiqué from COPAGEN and CCAE

The Coalition for the Protection of African Genetic Heritage (COPAGEN) and the Citizen's Collective for Agroecology (CCAE) are bitterly discovering the imminent release of genetically modified mosquitoes as part of the Target Malaria project by the Institute for Research in Health Sciences (IRSS). The test release is scheduled for this July 1st 2019, in the village of Bama, part of district 7 of the municipality of Bobo Dioulasso.

The Coalition for the Protection of African Genetic Heritage (COPAGEN) and the Citizen's Collective for Agroecology (CCAE) are bitterly discovering the imminent release of genetically modified mosquitoes as part of the Target Malaria project by the Institute for Research in Health Sciences (IRSS). The test release is scheduled for this July 1st 2019, in the village of Bama, part of district 7 of the municipality of Bobo Dioulasso.

New research shows public interest damage caused by corporate justice

New research published today reveals the devastating consequences of the controversial Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system.

New research published today reveals the devastating consequences of the controversial Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system.

In Greece, a rebel organic farm goes against the grain

On the Greek government's list of certified organic farmers, Antonis Antonopoulos has the serial number one. What makes Antonis and his brother Yiorgos a phenomenon, is not that their model farm pioneered organic methods in Greece; it's that they were among the first to realise that organically grown, local varieties of wheat and barley other farmers had cast aside could be a commercial hit.

On the Greek government's list of certified organic farmers, Antonis Antonopoulos has the serial number one. What makes Antonis and his brother Yiorgos a phenomenon, is not that their model farm pioneered organic methods in Greece; it's that they were among the first to realise that organically grown, local varieties of wheat and barley other farmers had cast aside could be a commercial hit.

Connecting the dots: insane trade and climate chaos

A great little article about the insanity of the current trade system and how it drives us deeper into the climate crisis. By Sean Keller of Local Futures

A great little article about the insanity of the current trade system and how it drives us deeper into the climate crisis. By Sean Keller of Local Futures

340+ organisations call on the EU to immediately halt trade negotiations with Brazil

In an open letter, over 340 civil society organisations are demanding that the European Union immediately halt free trade agreement negotiations with the Mercosur bloc (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) on the grounds of deteriorating human rights and environmental conditions in Brazil. The letter is addressed to presidents of the EU institutions ahead of the ministerial-level meeting next week in Brussels where EU and Mercosur foreign ministers aim to finalise the negotiations.

In an open letter, over 340 civil society organisations are demanding that the European Union immediately halt free trade agreement negotiations with the Mercosur bloc (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) on the grounds of deteriorating human rights and environmental conditions in Brazil. The letter is addressed to presidents of the EU institutions ahead of the ministerial-level meeting next week in Brussels where EU and Mercosur foreign ministers aim to finalise the negotiations.

“Greening” the Belt and Road Initiative? What about people's rights?

Known as the greatest infrastructure project in history, China’s Belt and Road Initiative has already displaced thousands of small-scale food producers and threatens to displace hundreds of thousands more. It will also cause irreversible loss of biodiversity and significantly aggravate the global climate crisis. Instead of catering to the needs of the affected communities, the Chinese government has recently started to green-wash its BRI investments. National and international civil society organisations monitoring the development of the projects on the ground call upon the government of China to make the Belt and Road Initiative more transparent, to listen to the people affected and to provide real climate solutions.

Known as the greatest infrastructure project in history, China’s Belt and Road Initiative has already displaced thousands of small-scale food producers and threatens to displace hundreds of thousands more. It will also cause irreversible loss of biodiversity and significantly aggravate the global climate crisis. Instead of catering to the needs of the affected communities, the Chinese government has recently started to green-wash its BRI investments. National and international civil society organisations monitoring the development of the projects on the ground call upon the government of China to make the Belt and Road Initiative more transparent, to listen to the people affected and to provide real climate solutions.

Rise of the petri-proteins?

An excellent overview of the potential impact of the growth of lab grown 'meat' under control of the large food corporations

An excellent overview of the potential impact of the growth of lab grown 'meat' under control of the large food corporations

Digitalization of agriculture: what are the risks for farmers and populations in the Global South?

In March 2019, an international meeting of social movements was held in Bangkok, Thailand, devoted to digital justice. About sixty activists and academics from all over the world participated. CETRI (Centre Tricontinental) interviewed Kartini Samon, researcher at GRAIN, who also participated in the meeting.

In March 2019, an international meeting of social movements was held in Bangkok, Thailand, devoted to digital justice. About sixty activists and academics from all over the world participated. CETRI (Centre Tricontinental) interviewed Kartini Samon, researcher at GRAIN, who also participated in the meeting.