
The blog is a place where GRAIN posts short pieces or just shares information produced with our network.

Rest well, Tewolde

Dr. Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher, the renowned Ethiopian environmental scientist and advocate, has died at the age of 83 on March 21 in Addis Ababa. In the late 1990s, Tewolde served on GRAIN’s board of directors.

Dr. Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher, the renowned Ethiopian environmental scientist and advocate, has died at the age of 83 on March 21 in Addis Ababa. In the late 1990s, Tewolde served on GRAIN’s board of directors.

Grateful respects to the “millet man” of India, PV Satheesh

GRAIN joins the DDS family and many allies around the world in mourning the loss of our friend and mentor PV Satheesh. Satheesh was the founder and director of the Deccan Development Society in India. Together with the women farmers of DDS, Satheesh taught us and the world about how powerfully biodiversity and local knowledge are conserved through daily use by local communities.

GRAIN joins the DDS family and many allies around the world in mourning the loss of our friend and mentor PV Satheesh. Satheesh was the founder and director of the Deccan Development Society in India. Together with the women farmers of DDS, Satheesh taught us and the world about how powerfully biodiversity and local knowledge are conserved through daily use by local communities.

The well is running dry on irrigated agriculture

Groundwater depletion is not just a problem in California. It is a problem for many of the world's major irrigated agricultural areas. According to one study, the global area affected by groundwater depletion has more than doubled between 1960 and 2000 and has accelerated since then. Other researchers estimate that a third of the world's major aquifers are now at risk.

Groundwater depletion is not just a problem in California. It is a problem for many of the world's major irrigated agricultural areas. According to one study, the global area affected by groundwater depletion has more than doubled between 1960 and 2000 and has accelerated since then. Other researchers estimate that a third of the world's major aquifers are now at risk.

The corporate agenda behind carbon farming

In this short video/text, GRAIN explains how giant agribusiness corporations like Bayer are rolling out carbon credit scams (a.k.a. carbon farming) to increase their power over farmers and extract more profits.

In this short video/text, GRAIN explains how giant agribusiness corporations like Bayer are rolling out carbon credit scams (a.k.a. carbon farming) to increase their power over farmers and extract more profits.

GM mustard in India: Thousands of years of cultural heritage under threat

For Indians, mustard is not just an oilseed but it's part of Indian cuisine and Indian traditional medicine. The commercial release of DMH-11 doesn’t just threaten India’s mustard genetic diversity, it would also open the door to several other GM plants and crops currently under development by the public and private sectors.

For Indians, mustard is not just an oilseed but it's part of Indian cuisine and Indian traditional medicine. The commercial release of DMH-11 doesn’t just threaten India’s mustard genetic diversity, it would also open the door to several other GM plants and crops currently under development by the public and private sectors.

The Brazilian state and agri-food corporations are condemned for ecocide of the Cerrado and genocide of its peoples

The ecocide being perpetrated against the Cerrado and the genocide of the Cerrado peoples are taking place in the context of the most persistent war of our time - and the most difficult to win - which is not between nation states. Rather, it is being waged against nature and the ‘peoples of nature’ by large corporations and the people who run them: the dominant minority, referred to as the “commodities people” by the great Yanomami shaman, Davi Kopenawa. This war is much harder to fight because warlords hide behind the names of conglomerates designed to erase their fingerprints and gain legitimacy day after day by the repetition on the stock exchange trading floors of something intangible called "the market".

The ecocide being perpetrated against the Cerrado and the genocide of the Cerrado peoples are taking place in the context of the most persistent war of our time - and the most difficult to win - which is not between nation states. Rather, it is being waged against nature and the ‘peoples of nature’ by large corporations and the people who run them: the dominant minority, referred to as the “commodities people” by the great Yanomami shaman, Davi Kopenawa. This war is much harder to fight because warlords hide behind the names of conglomerates designed to erase their fingerprints and gain legitimacy day after day by the repetition on the stock exchange trading floors of something intangible called "the market".

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil: 19 years is enough

We, and other organisations working with communities affected by industrial oil palm plantations, have repeatedly denounced the RSPO for its failure to address the grievances of communities whose lands were taken by palm oil companies. The fundamental problems with the institution and its certification scheme are described in detail in international statements signed by organisations from around the world in 2008 and in 2018, and recently in reports published in 2021 on the failure of RSPO to prevent deforestation, consult affected communities and address their grievances.

We, and other organisations working with communities affected by industrial oil palm plantations, have repeatedly denounced the RSPO for its failure to address the grievances of communities whose lands were taken by palm oil companies. The fundamental problems with the institution and its certification scheme are described in detail in international statements signed by organisations from around the world in 2008 and in 2018, and recently in reports published in 2021 on the failure of RSPO to prevent deforestation, consult affected communities and address their grievances.

Who profits under UPOV?

As UPOV has expanded, the global seed market has been taken over by a cartel of agrochemical companies. Today, just four of these companies control half of the US$47 billion seed market. They also control 75% of the global agrochemicals market. This is not a coincidence.

As UPOV has expanded, the global seed market has been taken over by a cartel of agrochemical companies. Today, just four of these companies control half of the US$47 billion seed market. They also control 75% of the global agrochemicals market. This is not a coincidence.

Purchasing land in Niger for carbon credits: the new form of greenwashing sweeping Africa

With COP 27 in full swing in Egypt, and all eyes once again on this climate conference – rapidly becoming the great carnival of promises that will never be kept - one question is surely haunting many Nigeriens: will the sale of carbon credits provide any benefit for communities and the climate?

With COP 27 in full swing in Egypt, and all eyes once again on this climate conference – rapidly becoming the great carnival of promises that will never be kept - one question is surely haunting many Nigeriens: will the sale of carbon credits provide any benefit for communities and the climate?

From Asia to Africa: Tentacles of oil palm plantations are squeezing communities dry

There is no other crop that has grown faster globally in the last decade than palm oil. This almost uncontrollable expansion leaves a deep trail of destruction and conflicts around its giant areas of plantations from Southeast Asia to West and Central Africa. As companies take over more community land, they also grab the water sources from them.

There is no other crop that has grown faster globally in the last decade than palm oil. This almost uncontrollable expansion leaves a deep trail of destruction and conflicts around its giant areas of plantations from Southeast Asia to West and Central Africa. As companies take over more community land, they also grab the water sources from them.

We need a movement to take pensions out of financial markets

Conversations held with activists from around the world in May and June webinars of 2022 make clear the need for a movement to take pensions out of financial markets.

Conversations held with activists from around the world in May and June webinars of 2022 make clear the need for a movement to take pensions out of financial markets.

A fertiliser cartel holds the global food system hostage

A new report from INKOTA shows how fertiliser companies squeeze excess profits from the food system and how we have to end the policies and programmes – like AGRA in Africa – that are behind them

A new report from INKOTA shows how fertiliser companies squeeze excess profits from the food system and how we have to end the policies and programmes – like AGRA in Africa – that are behind them