
GRAIN’s central focus is to support social movements across the world in their resistance to the growing corporate control over food production, markets and trade. We undertake research on how corporations – including agribusiness, large retail and the finance industry – displace millions of small-scale food producers and how trade and investment deals impose the legal conditions for it. 

Apart from our information work, we also support the efforts of partners and peoples’ movements to improve strategies, cooperation and popular action to challenge corporate power, and build capacity with them to achieve this.

A launch event | 26 March: Confrontations with Pension Fund Capitalism

Workers around the world are facing a dramatic decline in pension coverage. At the same time, pension funds are cashing in on the privatisation of land, water and public services. Join our webinar to discuss how to resist pension fund capitalism.

Workers around the world are facing a dramatic decline in pension coverage. At the same time, pension funds are cashing in on the privatisation of land, water and public services. Join our webinar to discuss how to resist pension fund capitalism.

Resistance in Chile against Coexca and its factory pig farms

In 2008 Coexca set up a mega pig farm in Chile, backed by investments from Denmark, Chile & the Netherlands. Ever since, the community of San Javier has been denouncing the company's pollution & impacts on the health and farming of rural people.

In 2008 Coexca set up a mega pig farm in Chile, backed by investments from Denmark, Chile & the Netherlands. Ever since, the community of San Javier has been denouncing the company's pollution & impacts on the health and farming of rural people.

The pushback against Aquaculture Inc

Industrial aquaculture’s rapid growth is often touted as vital for global food security, but this $300 billion industry—dominated by a few multinationals—relies on government backing to expand into new territories, often at great cost to local communities.

Industrial aquaculture’s rapid growth is often touted as vital for global food security, but this $300 billion industry—dominated by a few multinationals—relies on government backing to expand into new territories, often at great cost to local communities.

Twenty years of, twenty years of fighting FTAs

We must stop FTAs and bring an end to the regime they have instilled in so many countries. It's not just about how we trade and invest. We have to push social interests first. Trade and investment should support them, not the other way around. Only then might we get on the right path.

We must stop FTAs and bring an end to the regime they have instilled in so many countries. It's not just about how we trade and invest. We have to push social interests first. Trade and investment should support them, not the other way around. Only then might we get on the right path.

Techno feudalism takes root on the farm in India and China

Bayer and Cargill are among the many agrifood corporations benefiting from farmers data being extracted by Big tech like Microsoft. A new report reveals how farmers' data in countries like India & China has become incredibly profitable.

Bayer and Cargill are among the many agrifood corporations benefiting from farmers data being extracted by Big tech like Microsoft. A new report reveals how farmers' data in countries like India & China has become incredibly profitable.

The cost of industrial meat: displacement, conflict and environmental destruction

The meat industry is in the hands of a few companies that control a market worth over US$200 billion. In Latin America, these groups threaten, displace and criminalise local communities.

The meat industry is in the hands of a few companies that control a market worth over US$200 billion. In Latin America, these groups threaten, displace and criminalise local communities.

From land to logistics: UAE's growing power in the global food system

The UAE has amassed almost one million hectares of farm operations around the world. They are connected to a tightly controlled network of ports and logistics platforms, overlapping with geopolitical and military interests. What’s at stake?

The UAE has amassed almost one million hectares of farm operations around the world. They are connected to a tightly controlled network of ports and logistics platforms, overlapping with geopolitical and military interests. What’s at stake?

NAFTA at 30: The mother of all free trade agreements

As the first free trade agreement in contemporary history turns 30, it’s a good time to ask why this particular treaty played such a watershed role in the history of the global regime of trade and investment? To what extent this FTA has been the blueprint for a new global dynamic between governments, and between governments and their societies? For movements confronting free trade across continents, delving into the intricacies of NAFTA offers valuable insights.

As the first free trade agreement in contemporary history turns 30, it’s a good time to ask why this particular treaty played such a watershed role in the history of the global regime of trade and investment? To what extent this FTA has been the blueprint for a new global dynamic between governments, and between governments and their societies? For movements confronting free trade across continents, delving into the intricacies of NAFTA offers valuable insights.

Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble

Beyond tariffs and revenue loss, new FTAs in South Asia signal a broader shift. Today, trade agreements serve major investors and corporations, shaping legal frameworks in their favour, undermining the region's sovereignty in regards to food, rights and more.

Beyond tariffs and revenue loss, new FTAs in South Asia signal a broader shift. Today, trade agreements serve major investors and corporations, shaping legal frameworks in their favour, undermining the region's sovereignty in regards to food, rights and more.

Whipping up disaster: how Brazil became a lab for financial agro-investments

How does Brazil become an agribusiness laboratory? The alliance between finance capital and large estates threatens future dispossession. Landless, homeless and waterless majorities could receive rent if they finance those they expropriate.

How does Brazil become an agribusiness laboratory? The alliance between finance capital and large estates threatens future dispossession. Landless, homeless and waterless majorities could receive rent if they finance those they expropriate.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil explained

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is a front group protecting agribusiness companies and industrial monocultures. New primer explains what RSPO is and its impacts on local communities & workers.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is a front group protecting agribusiness companies and industrial monocultures. New primer explains what RSPO is and its impacts on local communities & workers.

Expanding markets, undermining food sovereignty: 10 years of China’s Belt and Road

Ten years into the Belt and Road Initiative projects, the expansion of corporate investments in the global agri-food system has reached new heights. As evidenced in this GRAIN report, it is hard to find anything “green” or small-scale about the BRI's plans in agriculture, fisheries and e-commerce.

Ten years into the Belt and Road Initiative projects, the expansion of corporate investments in the global agri-food system has reached new heights. As evidenced in this GRAIN report, it is hard to find anything “green” or small-scale about the BRI's plans in agriculture, fisheries and e-commerce.

AfCFTA: More free trade? For whose benefit? ​

The AfCFTA pushes a model of “development” hinged on increased trade and investment under the guise of pan-Africanism. However, it is “more of the same” trade rules that we see under the WTO and bilateral agreements. Therefore, it will likely only benefit African elites and transnational capital, at the expense of local communities.

The AfCFTA pushes a model of “development” hinged on increased trade and investment under the guise of pan-Africanism. However, it is “more of the same” trade rules that we see under the WTO and bilateral agreements. Therefore, it will likely only benefit African elites and transnational capital, at the expense of local communities.

The AfDB strategy to agro-industrialise Africa

One of the main objectives of the African Development Bank is to transform African agriculture by moving towards "agro-industrialisation". Who are the actors who benefit the most? What are the implications for the peasantry?

One of the main objectives of the African Development Bank is to transform African agriculture by moving towards "agro-industrialisation". Who are the actors who benefit the most? What are the implications for the peasantry?