
The blog is a place where GRAIN posts short pieces or just shares information produced with our network.

Regenerative agriculture was a good idea, until corporations got hold of it

This year's COP28 will showcase regenerative agriculture prominently, and the term is gaining traction in policy circles, investor conferences and supermarket shelves. But it is just the latest iteration of an on-going corporate strategy to undercut support for agroecology and shore up corporate profits amid multiple crises caused by the model of industrial agriculture they depend on.

This year's COP28 will showcase regenerative agriculture prominently, and the term is gaining traction in policy circles, investor conferences and supermarket shelves. But it is just the latest iteration of an on-going corporate strategy to undercut support for agroecology and shore up corporate profits amid multiple crises caused by the model of industrial agriculture they depend on.

Agrarian reform and land tenure in Colombia

Land tenure is a fundamental issue in every country and Colombia is no exception. The way in which land ownership has been historically regulated and managed has a profound impact on the country's economy and the different ways of leading a dignified life in the various territories.

Land tenure is a fundamental issue in every country and Colombia is no exception. The way in which land ownership has been historically regulated and managed has a profound impact on the country's economy and the different ways of leading a dignified life in the various territories.

India’s oil palm grand plan: at what cost?

India is currently experiencing a major transformation in its oilseed sector, marked by ambitious plans to expand the cultivation of African oil palm. Yet this grand plan casts a shadow over the nation’s diverse oilseed crops, sounding alarms bells for farmers, public health and the environment.

India is currently experiencing a major transformation in its oilseed sector, marked by ambitious plans to expand the cultivation of African oil palm. Yet this grand plan casts a shadow over the nation’s diverse oilseed crops, sounding alarms bells for farmers, public health and the environment.

The Palestinian people have a right to their lives, land and sovereignty

Since decades, one of the many dimensions of Israel’s colonial project has been the destruction of Palestinian agriculture and fishing. Prior to October 2023, 35% of Gaza’s farmland lay within an “access restricted area” on the border with Israel. As a result, 113,000 farmers lost access to their lands located in this area.

Since decades, one of the many dimensions of Israel’s colonial project has been the destruction of Palestinian agriculture and fishing. Prior to October 2023, 35% of Gaza’s farmland lay within an “access restricted area” on the border with Israel. As a result, 113,000 farmers lost access to their lands located in this area.

AfCFTA: More free trade? For whose benefit? ​

The AfCFTA pushes a model of “development” hinged on increased trade and investment under the guise of pan-Africanism. However, it is “more of the same” trade rules that we see under the WTO and bilateral agreements. Therefore, it will likely only benefit African elites and transnational capital, at the expense of local communities.

The AfCFTA pushes a model of “development” hinged on increased trade and investment under the guise of pan-Africanism. However, it is “more of the same” trade rules that we see under the WTO and bilateral agreements. Therefore, it will likely only benefit African elites and transnational capital, at the expense of local communities.

San Isidro vs Amway

A Mexican ejido community, faced a protracted land dispute involving the illegal acquisition of 280 hectares by the US company Amway-Nutrilite. After an 80-year struggle, the Mexican government recognized the land as part of the ejido, but Amway returned only 120 hectares, leading to ongoing legal battles and community efforts to regain control of their territory.

A Mexican ejido community, faced a protracted land dispute involving the illegal acquisition of 280 hectares by the US company Amway-Nutrilite. After an 80-year struggle, the Mexican government recognized the land as part of the ejido, but Amway returned only 120 hectares, leading to ongoing legal battles and community efforts to regain control of their territory.

Transgenic rice once again proposed as solution to bacterial blight outbreaks, this time in Africa

Scientists from an international rice initiative claim the patented transgenic varieties they have developed are the solution to an outbreak of bacterial blight in rice fields in East Africa. A similar argument was used 20 years ago to try and introduce a transgenic variety of rice in Asia.

Scientists from an international rice initiative claim the patented transgenic varieties they have developed are the solution to an outbreak of bacterial blight in rice fields in East Africa. A similar argument was used 20 years ago to try and introduce a transgenic variety of rice in Asia.

The summit of public development banks in Cartagena cannot greenwash their financing of destructive agriculture

Los bancos públicos de desarrollo no pueden maquillar de verde su apoyo a la agricultura destructiva. Los préstamos otorgados por bancos de desarrollo a las corporaciones, permiten expandir actividades destructivas como la crianza intensiva de animales.

Los bancos públicos de desarrollo no pueden maquillar de verde su apoyo a la agricultura destructiva. Los préstamos otorgados por bancos de desarrollo a las corporaciones, permiten expandir actividades destructivas como la crianza intensiva de animales.

What future for seeds under the African Free Trade Area?

The African Free Trade Agreement requires the protection of intellectual property rights on seeds. Given that half of African countries are already aligned with the UPOV model, which serves industrial agriculture, the agreement will boost this trend.

The African Free Trade Agreement requires the protection of intellectual property rights on seeds. Given that half of African countries are already aligned with the UPOV model, which serves industrial agriculture, the agreement will boost this trend.

Carbon rice farming: A license to pollute at the expense of small farmers

Corporate interest in rice carbon farming projects is exploding. They are now the second most popular project in the agriculture sector. These greenwashing tactics are burdening small farmers in developing countries & leaving them uncertain benefits.

Corporate interest in rice carbon farming projects is exploding. They are now the second most popular project in the agriculture sector. These greenwashing tactics are burdening small farmers in developing countries & leaving them uncertain benefits.

Why Benin should not join UPOV

Social movements call on Benin to reconsider membership in UPOV, urging protection of local seed systems and food sovereignty.

Social movements call on Benin to reconsider membership in UPOV, urging protection of local seed systems and food sovereignty.

Persecution against rights defenders of the Afro-Ecuadorian commune of Barranquilla de San Javier

After months of judicial criminalisation of four peasants that defend their forest from the expansion of oil palm plantations, on 12 June a new possibility of justice will open up for the judges of the Ecuadorian courts to exonerate and free these people from the commune of Barranquilla de San Javier de Cachaví from all charges.

After months of judicial criminalisation of four peasants that defend their forest from the expansion of oil palm plantations, on 12 June a new possibility of justice will open up for the judges of the Ecuadorian courts to exonerate and free these people from the commune of Barranquilla de San Javier de Cachaví from all charges.

A corporate cartel fertilises food inflation

A new report reveals rampant profiteering from the fertiliser industry, emphasising the urgent need for global cuts in chemical fertiliser use. Sustainable, agroecological farming systems less reliant on chemical input is key to building resilient food systems.

A new report reveals rampant profiteering from the fertiliser industry, emphasising the urgent need for global cuts in chemical fertiliser use. Sustainable, agroecological farming systems less reliant on chemical input is key to building resilient food systems.

New leadership in GRAIN

Today GRAIN’s co-founder & coordinator, Henk Hobbelink will retire & hand over his responsibilities to GRAIN staffer Kartini Samon, based in Indonesia. Thank you to our colleagues, partners, allies and friends across the world for your continued support!

Today GRAIN’s co-founder & coordinator, Henk Hobbelink will retire & hand over his responsibilities to GRAIN staffer Kartini Samon, based in Indonesia. Thank you to our colleagues, partners, allies and friends across the world for your continued support!