
USA: The meat industry now consumes four-fifths of all antibiotics

Antibiotic overuse is breeding new and resistant strains of bacteria that infect people. But industrial farms haven't got the message. In 2011 almost 30 million pounds of antibiotics were sold in the US for meat and poulty production. Almost four times as much as those sold to treat sick people! An excellent reflection by Tom Philpott.

Antibiotic overuse is breeding new and resistant strains of bacteria that infect people. But industrial farms haven't got the message. In 2011 almost 30 million pounds of antibiotics were sold in the US for meat and poulty production. Almost four times as much as those sold to treat sick people! An excellent reflection by Tom Philpott.

PFU calls for February 9th boycott of Israeli agribusiness

Palestinian Farmers Union invites social movements, nongovernmental organisations, trade unions and human rights campaigners to take creative and effective action on February 9th in support of Palestinian farmers defending their land and natural resources.

Palestinian Farmers Union invites social movements, nongovernmental organisations, trade unions and human rights campaigners to take creative and effective action on February 9th in support of Palestinian farmers defending their land and natural resources.

We will not share Monsanto's risk - Open letter to the EBRD

More than 150 organisations, including GRAIN, have called on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to not further consider USD 40 million unfunded risk participation in Monsanto's portfolio in Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

More than 150 organisations, including GRAIN, have called on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to not further consider USD 40 million unfunded risk participation in Monsanto's portfolio in Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

Civil society open letter to EU institutions for a better seed legislation

The European Commission (DG SANCO) is presently working on a review of EU legislation on the Marketing of Seed and Propagating Material. Arche Noah invites you to join an open letter demanding positive change in favour of biodiversity, small farmers, seed savers and consumers.  

The European Commission (DG SANCO) is presently working on a review of EU legislation on the Marketing of Seed and Propagating Material. Arche Noah invites you to join an open letter demanding positive change in favour of biodiversity, small farmers, seed savers and consumers.  

Campesino land struggles in Honduras

The Aguán River Valley in the department of Colón, Honduras, is a site of both an ongoing conflict and a powerful social movement. The situation of the local farmers was further exacerbated by the 2009 military coup in Honduras. But their communities are also unfailingly resilient. A story of repression and resistance.

The Aguán River Valley in the department of Colón, Honduras, is a site of both an ongoing conflict and a powerful social movement. The situation of the local farmers was further exacerbated by the 2009 military coup in Honduras. But their communities are also unfailingly resilient. A story of repression and resistance.

STOP Monsanto in Nepal

On September 13th the US embassy announced USAID, Monsanto and the Government of Nepal were forming a partnership to promote hybrid maize in Nepal. A campaign has been launched to stop the introduction of Monsanto's hybrid maize in Nepal and promote local seeds.

On September 13th the US embassy announced USAID, Monsanto and the Government of Nepal were forming a partnership to promote hybrid maize in Nepal. A campaign has been launched to stop the introduction of Monsanto's hybrid maize in Nepal and promote local seeds.

Farmers mobilise to find solutions against land grabbing

More than 250 participants, mainly representatives of farmers’ organisations, from thirty different countries gathered in Nyéléni Village, a centre for agro-ecology training built in a rural area near Sélingué, in Mali, to participate into the first International farmers’ conference to stop land grabbing.

More than 250 participants, mainly representatives of farmers’ organisations, from thirty different countries gathered in Nyéléni Village, a centre for agro-ecology training built in a rural area near Sélingué, in Mali, to participate into the first International farmers’ conference to stop land grabbing.

Declaraction of Nyeleni Europe 2011

Collective statement produced by the 400 participants of the European Forum for Food Sovereignty, held in Krems, Austria, from 16 to 21 August 2011.

Collective statement produced by the 400 participants of the European Forum for Food Sovereignty, held in Krems, Austria, from 16 to 21 August 2011.

World Bank told to stop lending to land grabbers

The World Bank is considering a loan of up US$30 million to help Calyx Agro expand its operations in Latin America. An open letter denounces the Bank for its on-going support to other leading investors involved in land grabbing around the world.

The World Bank is considering a loan of up US$30 million to help Calyx Agro expand its operations in Latin America. An open letter denounces the Bank for its on-going support to other leading investors involved in land grabbing around the world.

Stop land grabbing in Taiwan!

Taiwan Rural Front holds an international press conference requesting the authorities to stop land grabbing in Taiwan, with support from other movements and groups. This event is a prelude to a farmer mobilisation on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of Presidential Office next week.

Taiwan Rural Front holds an international press conference requesting the authorities to stop land grabbing in Taiwan, with support from other movements and groups. This event is a prelude to a farmer mobilisation on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of Presidential Office next week.

G20-Agriculture: Hundreds of organizations say STOP farm land grabbing!

Hundreds of civil society organisations launched a global appeal against farmland grabbing during the G20 meeting on Agriculture in Paris on June 22 and 23 2011. Read the press release here.

Hundreds of civil society organisations launched a global appeal against farmland grabbing during the G20 meeting on Agriculture in Paris on June 22 and 23 2011. Read the press release here.

There can be no justifications for land grabbing!

“There can be no justifications for land grabbing!” social movements and CSOs tell World Bank, UN agencies and government. A news release.

“There can be no justifications for land grabbing!” social movements and CSOs tell World Bank, UN agencies and government. A news release.