Below is information from the facebook page of the STOP Monsanto in Nepal campaign. There are also good background articles on the issue by IRIN and in the Kathmandu Post. On September 13th the US embassy announced USAID, Monsanto and the Government of Nepal were forming a partnership to promote hybrid maize in Nepal. Why is this a problem? Monsanto is a biotech Goliath and has a long history of screwing people over. Evidence from other countries demonstrates after the introduction of Monsanto seeds into a country yields will actually decrease, the food produced will be less nutritious and the need to use chemical fertiliser will increase substantially. The introduction of Monsanto seeds will affect all farmers in Nepal, irreversibly damaging their conventional farms, organic farms and heirloom seeds, not to mention the soil degradation and water pollution. This is dire especially considering the proposed pilot program targets three of Nepal's prime maize producing districts - Chitwan, Kavre and Nawal Parasi, potentially irreparably damaging the crops there. The big issue is Monsanto means CONTROL OF THE SEED SUPPLY and CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE and we want to prevent that from happening in Nepal. Monsanto also means a future of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) in Nepal. This pilot program serves the powerful vested interest of the US Government and Monsanto only and will have disastrous consequences for the people of Nepal. Please help us STOP Monsanto in Nepal and put an end to this pilot program by joining our page. Sign the petition: Daily SKYPE hours open to anyone: 10 am to 11 am User id: Email: [email protected]. In Nepal you can reach us at 9849454177, 9841779029, 9849541652