GRAIN's 2020 activity report

This report shares examples of GRAIN’s support in the form of information work and movement building in the struggles for food sovereignty last year. From corporate capture to seed saving, factory farming to climate justice, agribusiness to agroecology, we are committed to exposing the ills of the current system and advancing alternatives towards community-controlled, biodiversity-based food systems.

This report shares examples of GRAIN’s support in the form of information work and movement building in the struggles for food sovereignty last year. From corporate capture to seed saving, factory farming to climate justice, agribusiness to agroecology, we are committed to exposing the ills of the current system and advancing alternatives towards community-controlled, biodiversity-based food systems.

Corporate greenwashing: "net zero" and "nature-based solutions" are a deadly fraud

Corporations are ramping up their greenwashing to head-off any efforts to reign in their GHG emissions. After five years of having done nothing to move towards the already compromised targets established by the 2015 Paris Agreement, dozens of big polluters like Nestlé and Shell are now making "net zero" pledges, mainly to satisfy the public relations needs of the financial players that fund them.

Corporations are ramping up their greenwashing to head-off any efforts to reign in their GHG emissions. After five years of having done nothing to move towards the already compromised targets established by the 2015 Paris Agreement, dozens of big polluters like Nestlé and Shell are now making "net zero" pledges, mainly to satisfy the public relations needs of the financial players that fund them.

Agroecology vs. climate chaos: Farmers leading the battle in Asia

As urgent as the climate crisis is, some of the solutions being promoted from above are misleading. Not only are they not putting us in the right track, they are also exacerbating an array of other problems ranging from poverty to loss of biodiversity. Fortunately, a number of farmers across Asia on the front lines of climate disaster are putting forth a solution that is working and that is also adapted to their socioeconomic circumstances and farming traditions: Agroecology.

As urgent as the climate crisis is, some of the solutions being promoted from above are misleading. Not only are they not putting us in the right track, they are also exacerbating an array of other problems ranging from poverty to loss of biodiversity. Fortunately, a number of farmers across Asia on the front lines of climate disaster are putting forth a solution that is working and that is also adapted to their socioeconomic circumstances and farming traditions: Agroecology.

What kind of "markets" are we fighting for?

Calls to “cut out middlemen” or “connect farmers directly to consumers” often come up in discussions about how to build local food systems or support small farmers. But such notions can be misleading for food sovereignty struggles. Small farmers and peasants represent only one node within the complex food web.

Calls to “cut out middlemen” or “connect farmers directly to consumers” often come up in discussions about how to build local food systems or support small farmers. But such notions can be misleading for food sovereignty struggles. Small farmers and peasants represent only one node within the complex food web.

UPOV animation: The great seed robbery

To help you understand UPOV, we have a short animated video for you. It explains in a simple way how UPOV tries to appropriate and privatise seeds that have been developed over thousands of years by communities around the world, and why we should resist it and demand that it be dismantled.

To help you understand UPOV, we have a short animated video for you. It explains in a simple way how UPOV tries to appropriate and privatise seeds that have been developed over thousands of years by communities around the world, and why we should resist it and demand that it be dismantled.

Digital control: how Big Tech moves into food and farming (and what it means)

The world’s biggest technology companies and distribution platforms, such as Microsoft and Amazon, have started entering the food sector. What does this mean for small farmers and local food systems? This is leading to a strong and powerful integration between the companies that supply products to farmers (pesticides, tractors, drones, etc) and those that control the flow of data and have access to food consumers.

The world’s biggest technology companies and distribution platforms, such as Microsoft and Amazon, have started entering the food sector. What does this mean for small farmers and local food systems? This is leading to a strong and powerful integration between the companies that supply products to farmers (pesticides, tractors, drones, etc) and those that control the flow of data and have access to food consumers.

How the funding of a colonial-era oil palm plantation by European development banks dramatically failed: new report

A new report by an alliance of civil society organisations chronicles one of the most scandalous failures of development bank investment in agriculture. The report details how Europe's largest development banks poured upwards of US$150 million into an oil palm plantation company despite the company's long-standing land conflicts with local communities.

A new report by an alliance of civil society organisations chronicles one of the most scandalous failures of development bank investment in agriculture. The report details how Europe's largest development banks poured upwards of US$150 million into an oil palm plantation company despite the company's long-standing land conflicts with local communities.

Lessons learned from 30 years of GRAIN

What started as a passionate and determined initiative of a few activists in Europe has matured into a solid, diverse and decentralised international organisation. Over that period, the politics and vision of GRAIN have not wavered, only grown deeper. Here we offer some of the lessons that we learned and shifts we undertook, over this 30 year period, in the hope that they can be useful for others.

What started as a passionate and determined initiative of a few activists in Europe has matured into a solid, diverse and decentralised international organisation. Over that period, the politics and vision of GRAIN have not wavered, only grown deeper. Here we offer some of the lessons that we learned and shifts we undertook, over this 30 year period, in the hope that they can be useful for others.

TIAA and Harvard’s Brazilian farm deals judged illegal

Two of Brazil's top public authorities on land in the Cerrado have dealt a major blow to the efforts of foreign companies to take over the region's farmlands. These judgements are detailed in a new report by AATR, Rede Social and GRAIN, as well as how fires are once again ravaging large areas of forests on TIAA and Harvard's Brazilian farms, exacerbating the climate crisis.

Two of Brazil's top public authorities on land in the Cerrado have dealt a major blow to the efforts of foreign companies to take over the region's farmlands. These judgements are detailed in a new report by AATR, Rede Social and GRAIN, as well as how fires are once again ravaging large areas of forests on TIAA and Harvard's Brazilian farms, exacerbating the climate crisis.

From political coup to land destruction in Brazil

The so-called “Land Grabbers’ Act” not only authorizes the immediate regularization of some 40 million hectares of federal public land, but also vitiates the nation’s agrarian reform policy and facilitates the introduction of illegal settlements into the land market, resulting in a genuine agrarian counter-reform.

The so-called “Land Grabbers’ Act” not only authorizes the immediate regularization of some 40 million hectares of federal public land, but also vitiates the nation’s agrarian reform policy and facilitates the introduction of illegal settlements into the land market, resulting in a genuine agrarian counter-reform.

Toxic river: the fight to reclaim water from oil palm plantations in Indonesia

With agricultural commodities accounting for over 80% of fresh water use, the role played by the agroindustry in the frenzied rush to control access to this resource is major, bringing along countless cases of social conflict and environmental destruction. The industry boom in the demand for palm oil is a clear example, and few countries in the world have experienced the rapid expansion of oil palm plantations like Indonesia.

With agricultural commodities accounting for over 80% of fresh water use, the role played by the agroindustry in the frenzied rush to control access to this resource is major, bringing along countless cases of social conflict and environmental destruction. The industry boom in the demand for palm oil is a clear example, and few countries in the world have experienced the rapid expansion of oil palm plantations like Indonesia.

"What does factory farming have to do with the climate crisis?" Comic strip edition

The pandemic has turned life on its head and has made us question a whole host of matters, including industrial livestock and the issue of factory farming. This is why we are sharing this comic strip. It offers a simple and clear explanation of why producing livestock in factory farms can be devastating for our planet’s climate.

The pandemic has turned life on its head and has made us question a whole host of matters, including industrial livestock and the issue of factory farming. This is why we are sharing this comic strip. It offers a simple and clear explanation of why producing livestock in factory farms can be devastating for our planet’s climate.

International Street Vendors’ Day and the need for collective struggle

It’s the 20th edition of our quarterly Supermarket Asia bulletin. It’s good timing as we celebrate International Street Vendor’s Day on 14th of November - a day calling for the recognition of the contribution street vendors make to our food systems and our lives, and to raise awareness about the significant challenges they face.

It’s the 20th edition of our quarterly Supermarket Asia bulletin. It’s good timing as we celebrate International Street Vendor’s Day on 14th of November - a day calling for the recognition of the contribution street vendors make to our food systems and our lives, and to raise awareness about the significant challenges they face.

Barbarians at the barn: private equity sinks its teeth into agriculture

Financial flows going into agriculture are growing more and more institutionalised – and more and more private. To be sure, investing in agriculture has been going on since time immemorial. After all, farmers do it every day as they improve their soils, set up cooperatives, share knowledge with their children and develop local markets. But since the mid 2000s, institutional investment in agriculture has started growing. From seven agriculture-focused funds in 2004 to more than 300 today, the interest in capturing profits from farming and agribusiness on a global scale is real – and Covid-19 is not slowing things down.

Financial flows going into agriculture are growing more and more institutionalised – and more and more private. To be sure, investing in agriculture has been going on since time immemorial. After all, farmers do it every day as they improve their soils, set up cooperatives, share knowledge with their children and develop local markets. But since the mid 2000s, institutional investment in agriculture has started growing. From seven agriculture-focused funds in 2004 to more than 300 today, the interest in capturing profits from farming and agribusiness on a global scale is real – and Covid-19 is not slowing things down.

To care for our seeds

A set of booklets that can help us understand what is behind the resolve to instate intellectual property and the privatization of seeds through pacts, conventions, agreements, laws, standards, norms, registries, and certifications; why so much effort is invested in pushing aside what has been humanity’s fundamental task for thousands of years.

A set of booklets that can help us understand what is behind the resolve to instate intellectual property and the privatization of seeds through pacts, conventions, agreements, laws, standards, norms, registries, and certifications; why so much effort is invested in pushing aside what has been humanity’s fundamental task for thousands of years.