BACTERIA BECOME BIG BUSINESS by GRAIN | 25 Mar 1999 Seedling - March 1999 Diversa, one of new breed of bioprospecting companies which specialises in seeking out novel products and enzymes, is having considerable success in courting the industrial giants. Diversa, one of new breed of bioprospecting companies which specialises in seeking out novel products and enzymes, is having considerable success in courting the industrial giants.
GM FOODS TURN POLITICAL HOT POTATO by GRAIN | 20 Mar 1999 Seedling - March 1999 A modest experiment in Scotland has catalysed one of the biggest public outcries against GM foods. The scandal has revealed some sinister connections between industry, governments and scientific institutions. A modest experiment in Scotland has catalysed one of the biggest public outcries against GM foods. The scandal has revealed some sinister connections between industry, governments and scientific institutions.
FOOD? HEALTH? HOPE? by CornerHouse | 15 Mar 1999 Seedling - March 1999 Genetic engineering is being widely touted as the cure for world hunger. But genetically-engineered crops are likely to make the world a hungrier place, not a happier; full-bellied one. Genetic engineering is being widely touted as the cure for world hunger. But genetically-engineered crops are likely to make the world a hungrier place, not a happier; full-bellied one.