Towards food sovereignty: reclaiming autonomous food systems

"Towards Food Sovereignty is an online book with linked video and audio files. The first three chapters, available here, begin to describe the ecological basis of food and agriculture, the social and environmental costs of modern food systems, and the policy reversals needed to democratize food systems. The video and audio clips show farmers, indigenous peoples and consumers all working to promote food sovereignty, it highlights the importance of locally controlled food systems to sustain both people and nature."International Institute for Environment and Development

"Towards Food Sovereignty is an online book with linked video and audio files. The first three chapters, available here, begin to describe the ecological basis of food and agriculture, the social and environmental costs of modern food systems, and the policy reversals needed to democratize food systems. The video and audio clips show farmers, indigenous peoples and consumers all working to promote food sovereignty, it highlights the importance of locally controlled food systems to sustain both people and nature."International Institute for Environment and Development

Making a killing from hunger

The world food crisis is hurting a lot of people, but global agribusiness firms, traders and speculators are raking in huge profits. The fundamental cause of today's food crisis is neoliberal globalisation itself, which has transformed food from a source of livelihood security into a mere commodity to be gambled away, even at the cost of widespread hunger among the world’s poorest people.

The world food crisis is hurting a lot of people, but global agribusiness firms, traders and speculators are raking in huge profits. The fundamental cause of today's food crisis is neoliberal globalisation itself, which has transformed food from a source of livelihood security into a mere commodity to be gambled away, even at the cost of widespread hunger among the world’s poorest people.

Seeds of passion

A couple of years ago it seemed as if mass-based movements throughout the world had won the battle to ban Terminator seeds. But the biotechnology companies are back on the offensive, arguing that the urgent need to combat global warming makes it imperative to use Terminator technology. Many peasant farmers around the world believe this to be yet another spurious argument used by the companies to gain acceptance for their unnecessary and dangerous technology. In the run-up to COP 9 in May 2008, we reproduce an edited version of an article first published in our sister Spanish-language magazine, Biodiversidad

A couple of years ago it seemed as if mass-based movements throughout the world had won the battle to ban Terminator seeds. But the biotechnology companies are back on the offensive, arguing that the urgent need to combat global warming makes it imperative to use Terminator technology. Many peasant farmers around the world believe this to be yet another spurious argument used by the companies to gain acceptance for their unnecessary and dangerous technology. In the run-up to COP 9 in May 2008, we reproduce an edited version of an article first published in our sister Spanish-language magazine, Biodiversidad

New threat from covert GMOs

The battles lines in the power struggle over seeds are shifting in Europe. Authorities are dropping plans to push US-led “first generation” genetically modified organisms (GMOs), so that European companies can develop “covert” GMOs and new “double-locked” seeds instead. In 2008, the Sarkozy regime will use the French presidency of the European Union to promote its own corporate-led agenda on these issues. It is becoming more important than ever that farmers assert their collective rights over seeds. Guy Kastler of the Peasant Seed Network in France explains.

The battles lines in the power struggle over seeds are shifting in Europe. Authorities are dropping plans to push US-led “first generation” genetically modified organisms (GMOs), so that European companies can develop “covert” GMOs and new “double-locked” seeds instead. In 2008, the Sarkozy regime will use the French presidency of the European Union to promote its own corporate-led agenda on these issues. It is becoming more important than ever that farmers assert their collective rights over seeds. Guy Kastler of the Peasant Seed Network in France explains.