
The blog is a place where GRAIN posts short pieces or just shares information produced with our network.

We will not be silenced by Bolloré's SLAPP lawsuits!

This Thursday 25 January, a lawsuit was opened against three newspapers (Mediapart, L’Obs and Le Point) and two NGOs (Sherpa and ReAct), who are accused of defamation by the Luxembourgian holding Socfin and its Cameroonian subsidiary Socapalm, for articles reporting on the mobilisation of villagers and farmers in West Africa who live near farms managed by these two companies. These companies have strong links to the Bolloré group, and Vincent Bolloré himself serves on their board of directors.

This Thursday 25 January, a lawsuit was opened against three newspapers (Mediapart, L’Obs and Le Point) and two NGOs (Sherpa and ReAct), who are accused of defamation by the Luxembourgian holding Socfin and its Cameroonian subsidiary Socapalm, for articles reporting on the mobilisation of villagers and farmers in West Africa who live near farms managed by these two companies. These companies have strong links to the Bolloré group, and Vincent Bolloré himself serves on their board of directors.

A sign-on statement to stop the poisoning of the people and the planet

Thirty-three years ago today, the horrendous Bhopal gas tragedy at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in India immediately killed 3,000 people and 15,000 more subsequently.  Survivors, exposed to the deadly gas and their children, continue to suffer from the world’s worst industrial disaster. Thousands of tons of hazardous wastes remain buried underground and the area remains contaminated. Meanwhile, Union Carbide, which became a subsidiary of Dow-Chemical Co. in 2001, has yet to fully account for the tragedy.

Thirty-three years ago today, the horrendous Bhopal gas tragedy at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in India immediately killed 3,000 people and 15,000 more subsequently.  Survivors, exposed to the deadly gas and their children, continue to suffer from the world’s worst industrial disaster. Thousands of tons of hazardous wastes remain buried underground and the area remains contaminated. Meanwhile, Union Carbide, which became a subsidiary of Dow-Chemical Co. in 2001, has yet to fully account for the tragedy.

Farming for a small planet

An excellent, and well documented, summary article by Frances Moore Lappé explaining why the industrial food system can't feed the world, and agroecology can.

An excellent, and well documented, summary article by Frances Moore Lappé explaining why the industrial food system can't feed the world, and agroecology can.

Food security: Nurturing a new culture of contradictions

A first-ever national seed dialogue in South Africa strengthens the push-back against the bulging muscles of corporate and state control over seed and food production. UFRIEDA HO reports.  

A first-ever national seed dialogue in South Africa strengthens the push-back against the bulging muscles of corporate and state control over seed and food production. UFRIEDA HO reports.  

Anuak condemn attempts to delay Karuturi’s exit from Ethiopia

Anuak organisations, with the strong support of international civil society, call on the governments of Ethiopia and India to cease negotiations with Karuturi Global Ltd and to ensure that the company fully exits Gambela and other parts of Ethiopia.

Anuak organisations, with the strong support of international civil society, call on the governments of Ethiopia and India to cease negotiations with Karuturi Global Ltd and to ensure that the company fully exits Gambela and other parts of Ethiopia.

A land grab for pulp: Environmental Paper Network exposes problems with a new pulp project in Mozambique

A report released by the Environmental Paper Network (EPN) today highlights the environmental and social impacts of a new pulp mill project in Mozambique. Portucel Moçambique (a Mozambican company controlled by The Navigator Company, previously known as Portucel Soporcel) will build a pulp mill in Zambézia, Mozambique. The mill will have a production capacity of 1,500,000 tonnes per year and a biomass power generation plant.The new mill, located onthe shore of the Indian Ocean, will mostly provide pulp to the Asian paper industry.

A report released by the Environmental Paper Network (EPN) today highlights the environmental and social impacts of a new pulp mill project in Mozambique. Portucel Moçambique (a Mozambican company controlled by The Navigator Company, previously known as Portucel Soporcel) will build a pulp mill in Zambézia, Mozambique. The mill will have a production capacity of 1,500,000 tonnes per year and a biomass power generation plant.The new mill, located onthe shore of the Indian Ocean, will mostly provide pulp to the Asian paper industry.

Territories of solidarity: letter from Quebec (Canada)

On this November 20, when Brazil celebrates the Day of Black Consciousness, the institutions and organizations that sign this letter come to express their solidarity with the social movements of Brazil, especially the peoples and communities of the country, waters and forests.

On this November 20, when Brazil celebrates the Day of Black Consciousness, the institutions and organizations that sign this letter come to express their solidarity with the social movements of Brazil, especially the peoples and communities of the country, waters and forests.

How corporate giants are automating the farm

Self-driving tractors and the internet of cows – welcome to the world of precision agriculture. Jim Thomas of the ETC Group lays out the vision driving corporate giants into a merger frenzy  

Self-driving tractors and the internet of cows – welcome to the world of precision agriculture. Jim Thomas of the ETC Group lays out the vision driving corporate giants into a merger frenzy  

Dalit women : we’re fighting RCEP

Fatima Burnad is a member of the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) and she advocates for women farmers’ rights. She and other Dalit women in India are concerned that Dalit women will be the most affected by RCEP and that land grabbing for corporate agriculture will impact food sovereignty, rights over land and seed preservation. But they will resist.  

Fatima Burnad is a member of the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) and she advocates for women farmers’ rights. She and other Dalit women in India are concerned that Dalit women will be the most affected by RCEP and that land grabbing for corporate agriculture will impact food sovereignty, rights over land and seed preservation. But they will resist.  

Syrian seeds shake up Europe’s plant patent regime

Salvatore Ceccarelli knew he was engaging in a subversive act when, in 2010, he took two 20 kilo sacks of bread and durum wheat seeds from a seed bank outside of Aleppo, Syria and brought them to Italy during a visit back to his home country. Now, seven years later, those seeds from the Fertile Crescent, the birthplace of domesticated agriculture, with thousands of years of evolution behind them, are poised to challenge the system of plant patenting in Europe, and, soon enough perhaps, the United States.

Salvatore Ceccarelli knew he was engaging in a subversive act when, in 2010, he took two 20 kilo sacks of bread and durum wheat seeds from a seed bank outside of Aleppo, Syria and brought them to Italy during a visit back to his home country. Now, seven years later, those seeds from the Fertile Crescent, the birthplace of domesticated agriculture, with thousands of years of evolution behind them, are poised to challenge the system of plant patenting in Europe, and, soon enough perhaps, the United States.

Too big to feed: Exploring the impacts of mega-mergers, consolidation and concentration of power in the agri-food sector

Dominant agri-food firms have become too big to feed humanity sustainably, too big to operate on equitable terms with other food system actors, and too big to drive the types of innovation we need.

Dominant agri-food firms have become too big to feed humanity sustainably, too big to operate on equitable terms with other food system actors, and too big to drive the types of innovation we need.

Karuturi demands compensation from Ethiopia for failed land deal

Karuturi Global Ltd., an Indian flower grower, demanded compensation from the Ethiopian government for a series of failed land deals as it prepares to exit the Horn of Africa nation.    

Karuturi Global Ltd., an Indian flower grower, demanded compensation from the Ethiopian government for a series of failed land deals as it prepares to exit the Horn of Africa nation.    

Fighting violence against women: communities affected by SOCAPALM expose cases of rape and abuse

Women living in areas bordering SOCAPALM plantations (Société Camerounaise de Palmeraies or Cameroon society of palm plantations) gave a press briefing on Wednesday 27 September 2017 in Yaoundé to condemn the French company’s failure to respect its contractual obligations, sexual assaults by male security personnel, and land grabbing.

Women living in areas bordering SOCAPALM plantations (Société Camerounaise de Palmeraies or Cameroon society of palm plantations) gave a press briefing on Wednesday 27 September 2017 in Yaoundé to condemn the French company’s failure to respect its contractual obligations, sexual assaults by male security personnel, and land grabbing.