“Ghana’s plant breeders bill lacks legitimacy! It must be revised!” – CSOs tell Parliament by Food Sovereignty Ghana | 14 Mar 2018 Ghana | seeds & biodiversity The representatives included Food Sovereignty Ghana (FSG), Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG), General Agricultural Workers Union – GAWU of TUC Ghana, Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organisational Development (CIKOD), and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. The representatives included Food Sovereignty Ghana (FSG), Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG), General Agricultural Workers Union – GAWU of TUC Ghana, Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organisational Development (CIKOD), and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation.
Interview with Guy Marius Sagna, Coordinator of the National Coalition "No to EPAs" in Senegal by Bilaterals.org | 13 Feb 2017 Cote d'Ivoire | Ghana | Senegal | food sovereignty | laws & policies Guy Marius Sagna is the Coordinator of the National Coalition "No to EPAs" in Senegal. He discusses two free trade projects in Africa: Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA). "These deals have been preceded by the IMF and the World Bank’s structural adjustment programmes that imposed liberalising our economies and opening our markets. It’s part of an international labour division scheme that makes our “underdeveloped” countries consumers of goods from other countries whose role is to produce those goods. The EPA reinforces this process, which will impoverish our countries even more". Guy Marius Sagna is the Coordinator of the National Coalition "No to EPAs" in Senegal. He discusses two free trade projects in Africa: Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA). "These deals have been preceded by the IMF and the World Bank’s structural adjustment programmes that imposed liberalising our economies and opening our markets. It’s part of an international labour division scheme that makes our “underdeveloped” countries consumers of goods from other countries whose role is to produce those goods. The EPA reinforces this process, which will impoverish our countries even more".
New ‘Monsanto Law’ in Africa would force GMOs on farmers by Christina Sarich | 5 Jan 2015 Ghana | food sovereignty | seeds & biodiversity | GMOs The front lines of the food sovereignty war in Ghana are swelling as the national parliament gives support to the Plant Breeders Bill. This proposed legislation contains rules that would restrict farmers from freely saving, swapping, and breeding seeds. The front lines of the food sovereignty war in Ghana are swelling as the national parliament gives support to the Plant Breeders Bill. This proposed legislation contains rules that would restrict farmers from freely saving, swapping, and breeding seeds.
US Embassy must be open and transparent on GMO debate in Ghana by Food Sovereignty Ghana | 9 Jul 2013 Ghana | technologies | seeds & biodiversity Following our call for a moratorium on genetically modified foods and crops in Ghana, Food Sovereignty Ghana has received an invitation from the US Embassy in Accra to a CLOSED DOOR “Roundtable Discussion and an Interdisciplinary Presentation on Biotechnology at the US Embassy on July 10”. Following our call for a moratorium on genetically modified foods and crops in Ghana, Food Sovereignty Ghana has received an invitation from the US Embassy in Accra to a CLOSED DOOR “Roundtable Discussion and an Interdisciplinary Presentation on Biotechnology at the US Embassy on July 10”.