Villagers in Sierra Leone ponder their future after winning their lands back from a palm oil company by WRM and GRAIN | 18 Dec 2018 Sierra Leone | United Kingdom | land grabbing Villagers in Port Loko District, Sierra Leone are celebrating. After nearly a decade of struggling against a company that grabbed their lands and erected oil palm plantations, a court has ruled that the lands must be given back to the communities. Now they are trying to figure out what they should do with the large areas of lands that have been occupied by rows and rows of oil palms. Villagers in Port Loko District, Sierra Leone are celebrating. After nearly a decade of struggling against a company that grabbed their lands and erected oil palm plantations, a court has ruled that the lands must be given back to the communities. Now they are trying to figure out what they should do with the large areas of lands that have been occupied by rows and rows of oil palms.
We feed the world by Jyoti Fernandez | 14 Oct 2018 United Kingdom | food sovereignty | laws & policies | actions Great talk by Jyoti Fernandez of the Landworkers Alliance on the opening night of the We Feed the World exhibition reminding us of the role we all can all play in standing up for a fairer food and farming system. Great talk by Jyoti Fernandez of the Landworkers Alliance on the opening night of the We Feed the World exhibition reminding us of the role we all can all play in standing up for a fairer food and farming system.
We know how food production needs to change if crisis is to be avoided – so why isn’t this happening? by Nina Moeller and Michel Pimbert | 3 Apr 2018 United Kingdom | technologies A good article on the need for agroecology, denouncing that the bulk of development cooperation funding goes to supporting industrial agriculture. A good article on the need for agroecology, denouncing that the bulk of development cooperation funding goes to supporting industrial agriculture.
Are European taxpayers funding land grabs and forest destruction? by Mark Curtis | 14 Sep 2017 Belgium | Canada | Congo, the Democratic Republic of the | Finland | France | Germany | Netherlands | Norway | Tanzania | Uganda | United Kingdom | land grabbing The central aim of European Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) is to foster growth and reduce poverty. Yet in Africa, evidence is mounting that they have funded ‘forestry’ projects which have caused deforestation, possible land grabs, and undermined communities’ livelihoods. The central aim of European Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) is to foster growth and reduce poverty. Yet in Africa, evidence is mounting that they have funded ‘forestry’ projects which have caused deforestation, possible land grabs, and undermined communities’ livelihoods.
Tanzania: Fighting for seeds and soil by Global Justice Now. | 2 Jun 2016 Tanzania | United Kingdom | food sovereignty | seeds & biodiversity Tanzania is at the forefront in the battle for control over Africa's food system. With the help of the UK government (and others in the G7) corporations are scrambling to expand their markets in seeds, fertilisers, agrochemicals and land. But small-scale farmer organisations are fighting back by strengthening farmers' knowledge of land, seeds and soil. A video by Global Justice Now. Tanzania is at the forefront in the battle for control over Africa's food system. With the help of the UK government (and others in the G7) corporations are scrambling to expand their markets in seeds, fertilisers, agrochemicals and land. But small-scale farmer organisations are fighting back by strengthening farmers' knowledge of land, seeds and soil. A video by Global Justice Now.
Runaway maize: subsidised soil destruction by UK Soil Association | 22 Jul 2015 United Kingdom | food crisis | actions Our soils are coming under devastating pressure from an unlikely crop - maize. A new report by the Soil Association, exposing shocking evidence that this crop is threatening the future of farming and food security in the UK. Maize is responsible for environmental damage to soils and water, and a rapid change in land use away from food production across the UK – all of which is made possible through double subsidies paid for by the UK taxpayer. Our soils are coming under devastating pressure from an unlikely crop - maize. A new report by the Soil Association, exposing shocking evidence that this crop is threatening the future of farming and food security in the UK. Maize is responsible for environmental damage to soils and water, and a rapid change in land use away from food production across the UK – all of which is made possible through double subsidies paid for by the UK taxpayer.
Africa, let us help – just like in 1884 by George Monbiot | 11 Jun 2013 United Kingdom | land grabbing | corporations From the Conference of Berlin to today's G8, 'helping' Africans looks suspiciously like grabbing their resources. An excellent take on the G8 plans to help Africa, by George Monbiot. From the Conference of Berlin to today's G8, 'helping' Africans looks suspiciously like grabbing their resources. An excellent take on the G8 plans to help Africa, by George Monbiot.
Watergrabbing..... and waste! by GRAIN | 15 Jan 2013 United Kingdom | corporations | food crisis A new report calculates that up to half of the food produced in the world never makes it to any dinner table, and finds that enormous amounts of water are being squandered in the process. Another report tried to calculate the amount of water to be used by those now grabbing land in poor countries to produce food and fuel for the export market. A new report calculates that up to half of the food produced in the world never makes it to any dinner table, and finds that enormous amounts of water are being squandered in the process. Another report tried to calculate the amount of water to be used by those now grabbing land in poor countries to produce food and fuel for the export market.
Agricultural Growth Corridors: the latest idea for Africa? by EcoNexus, War on Want | 13 Dec 2012 Mozambique | Tanzania | United Kingdom | land grabbing | corporations Agricultural Growth Corridors' increasingly pop up in the promotion literature of donors, corporations and multilateral agencies alike. The latest idea to 'develop' Africa and help it's small farmers, they claim. What's this all about? Two new reports give some background. Agricultural Growth Corridors' increasingly pop up in the promotion literature of donors, corporations and multilateral agencies alike. The latest idea to 'develop' Africa and help it's small farmers, they claim. What's this all about? Two new reports give some background.