Hungry for land: small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland by GRAIN | 28 May 2014 Land It is commonly heard today that small farmers produce most of the world's food. But how many of us realise that they are doing this with less than a quarter of the world's farmland, and that even this meagre share is shrinking fast? GRAIN took an in depth look at the data to see what is going on. It is commonly heard today that small farmers produce most of the world's food. But how many of us realise that they are doing this with less than a quarter of the world's farmland, and that even this meagre share is shrinking fast? GRAIN took an in depth look at the data to see what is going on.
2,4-D soy: waging war on peasants by GRAIN | 26 May 2014 Dow Agrosciences is proposing new varieties of transgenic soy which will result in the use of millions more litres of even more toxic herbicides. But sustained resistance is growing in all five countries where Dow is seeking regulatory approval as the impacts of GM technologies are denounced and the fallacies that allowed for them to be rolled out are exposed. Dow Agrosciences is proposing new varieties of transgenic soy which will result in the use of millions more litres of even more toxic herbicides. But sustained resistance is growing in all five countries where Dow is seeking regulatory approval as the impacts of GM technologies are denounced and the fallacies that allowed for them to be rolled out are exposed.
Senhuile director arrested for alleged financial crime by GRAIN, Ndiaël Collective, Oakland Institute and Re:Common | 21 May 2014 Media releases Benjamin Dummai, the Director-General of Senhuile SA, an Italian-Senegalese agribusiness project illegitimately occupying 20,000 hectares in northern Senegal, was last week fired by his board of directors and arrested by Senegalese authorities last week. Local media has reported that he has been accused of embezzling almost half a million dollars. Benjamin Dummai, the Director-General of Senhuile SA, an Italian-Senegalese agribusiness project illegitimately occupying 20,000 hectares in northern Senegal, was last week fired by his board of directors and arrested by Senegalese authorities last week. Local media has reported that he has been accused of embezzling almost half a million dollars.
No agrobiodiversity without peasants by GRAIN | 22 Mar 2014 Governments and intergovernmental agreements on agrobiodiversity do not improve farmer and indigenous rights, the team of GRAIN argues. The peasants who are keeping agrobiodiversity alive are under threat from the rapid expansion of industrial farming. We need to fight for food sovereignty to preserve local agrobiodiversity. A short opinion piece by GRAIN in Farming Matters Magazine. Governments and intergovernmental agreements on agrobiodiversity do not improve farmer and indigenous rights, the team of GRAIN argues. The peasants who are keeping agrobiodiversity alive are under threat from the rapid expansion of industrial farming. We need to fight for food sovereignty to preserve local agrobiodiversity. A short opinion piece by GRAIN in Farming Matters Magazine.
Senegalese farmers and herders demand shady transnational corporation Senhuile SA get off their land by The Ndiaël Collective et al. | 27 Feb 2014 Farmers and herders from northwestern Senegal have travelled to Europe to demand the scrapping of a land deal that threatens the lives and livelihoods of some 9,000 people. Please join their action now! Farmers and herders from northwestern Senegal have travelled to Europe to demand the scrapping of a land deal that threatens the lives and livelihoods of some 9,000 people. Please join their action now!
Karuturi, the iconic landgrabber, flops by TJN et al | 14 Feb 2014 Media releases Karuturi Ltd, the Kenyan flower production unit of Karuturi Global, is in financial collapse and been put under receivership. One of the world's most infamous landgrabbers is in its deepest trouble yet. Karuturi Ltd, the Kenyan flower production unit of Karuturi Global, is in financial collapse and been put under receivership. One of the world's most infamous landgrabbers is in its deepest trouble yet.
Cameroon activists on trial for peaceful protest against Wall Street land grabber by Local and international NGOs | 30 Jan 2014 Land Email Herakles Farms and tell the company to stop its intimidation of Nasako Besingi and other defenders of local communities and forests Email Herakles Farms and tell the company to stop its intimidation of Nasako Besingi and other defenders of local communities and forests
Defending people's milk in India by GRAIN | 27 Jan 2014 Corporations The vibrant network of small producers and milk cooperatives that makes up most of India's dairy sector is a powerful model: one which is now threatened by free trade agreements and liberalised investment policies. The vibrant network of small producers and milk cooperatives that makes up most of India's dairy sector is a powerful model: one which is now threatened by free trade agreements and liberalised investment policies.
Long struggle against Indonesia oil palm land grab by GRAIN | 21 Jan 2014 During 20 years of struggle to regain their lands and improve working conditions on oil palm plantations, the villagers of Buol, in Central Sulawesi, have had little but empty words from the company and the government. The only real gains they have made have come from direct actions. However, the risk with actions such as roadblocks and occupations is violent repression. Now the villagers are optimistic that they are finally close to getting their lands back. During 20 years of struggle to regain their lands and improve working conditions on oil palm plantations, the villagers of Buol, in Central Sulawesi, have had little but empty words from the company and the government. The only real gains they have made have come from direct actions. However, the risk with actions such as roadblocks and occupations is violent repression. Now the villagers are optimistic that they are finally close to getting their lands back.
Sierra Leone farmers reject land grab for oil palm plantation by GRAIN | 7 Jan 2014 In December 2013, police in Sierra Leone's Pujehun District opened fire on villagers gathered to express their grievances over the lease of 6,500 hectares of land to the Socfin Agricultural Company. It was only the latest incident in a deteriorating situation in Pujehun. In December 2013, police in Sierra Leone's Pujehun District opened fire on villagers gathered to express their grievances over the lease of 6,500 hectares of land to the Socfin Agricultural Company. It was only the latest incident in a deteriorating situation in Pujehun.
Food safety in the EU-US trade agreement: going outside the box by GRAIN | 10 Dec 2013 Two dinosaurs of world trade – the United States and the European Union – have begun talks on a bilateral free trade agreement in order to boost jobs and economic growth in their largely depressed economies. There is nothing in the proposals that will serve consumers or the public interest. It is all about reducing the hoops for agribusiness. Two dinosaurs of world trade – the United States and the European Union – have begun talks on a bilateral free trade agreement in order to boost jobs and economic growth in their largely depressed economies. There is nothing in the proposals that will serve consumers or the public interest. It is all about reducing the hoops for agribusiness.
Stolen land: Nigerian villagers want their land back from Wilmar by GRAIN | 7 Dec 2013 Wilmar, the world's largest palm oil processor, is building a massive plantation on forest lands illegally gifted to Nigeria's former president, Olusegun Obasanjo. The local community wants these lands back. Wilmar, the world's largest palm oil processor, is building a massive plantation on forest lands illegally gifted to Nigeria's former president, Olusegun Obasanjo. The local community wants these lands back.
GRAIN in 2012: highlights of our activities by GRAIN | 26 Nov 2013 Activity reports Corporations, power and the global system; people's control over seeds; land grabbing; and agriculture and the climate crisis – these are the interconnected themes of GRAIN's work. In partnership with allies across the world, we document the ways in which the industrial food system damages lives, livelihoods and ecologies, and support the fight for alternatives. 'GRAIN in 2012' highlights some of the activities and achievements that we have been involved in during the year. Corporations, power and the global system; people's control over seeds; land grabbing; and agriculture and the climate crisis – these are the interconnected themes of GRAIN's work. In partnership with allies across the world, we document the ways in which the industrial food system damages lives, livelihoods and ecologies, and support the fight for alternatives. 'GRAIN in 2012' highlights some of the activities and achievements that we have been involved in during the year.
The Calabar Declaration by Oil palm plantation-affected communities and civil society | 18 Nov 2013 We, members of communities affected by industrial monoculture oil palm plantations, including peasant movements, reaffirm our support for all communities repressed by the policies of the powerful and to those who defend their land rights as indigenous peoples and peasant communities; we reaffirm our commitment to demand that the governments of our countries ratify and respect the declarations and relevant international laws that protect the rights of communities and indigenous peoples. We, members of communities affected by industrial monoculture oil palm plantations, including peasant movements, reaffirm our support for all communities repressed by the policies of the powerful and to those who defend their land rights as indigenous peoples and peasant communities; we reaffirm our commitment to demand that the governments of our countries ratify and respect the declarations and relevant international laws that protect the rights of communities and indigenous peoples.
Cameroon activist takes on land grabber from Wall Street, now faces imprisonment by GRAIN | 13 Nov 2013 Community organiser Nasako Besingi speaks about being beaten, arrested and sued for supporting villagers in Cameroon defending their lands from US hedge fund Herakles Capital. Community organiser Nasako Besingi speaks about being beaten, arrested and sued for supporting villagers in Cameroon defending their lands from US hedge fund Herakles Capital.