FREE TRADE VERSUS FOOD SECURITY by GRAIN | 25 Oct 1996 Seedling - October 1996 The preparatory process to the World Food Summit has been paved with power plays between the different development agendas, with free-trade and globalisation proponents ready to eliminate self-sufficiency as the main food security strategy. The preparatory process to the World Food Summit has been paved with power plays between the different development agendas, with free-trade and globalisation proponents ready to eliminate self-sufficiency as the main food security strategy.
FROM LEIPZIG TO BUENOS AIRES by GRAIN | 15 Oct 1996 Seedling - October 1996 Governments and NGO's should take advantage of the CBD discussions on agricultural biodiversity, IPRs and the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples to counter further privatisation of genetic resources. Governments and NGO's should take advantage of the CBD discussions on agricultural biodiversity, IPRs and the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples to counter further privatisation of genetic resources.
THE BIOTECH BATTLE OVER THE GOLDEN CROP by GRAIN | 11 Oct 1996 Seedling - October 1996 While maize is a major staple food for many countries in the South, in the North it is the main animal feed crop and, increasingly, a raw material for industrial use. An exploration of the infighting among the biotechnology actors for control over this "green gold". While maize is a major staple food for many countries in the South, in the North it is the main animal feed crop and, increasingly, a raw material for industrial use. An exploration of the infighting among the biotechnology actors for control over this "green gold".