RECIPE FOR DISASTER by Joel Bleifuss | 25 Dec 1996 Seedling - December 1996 Agribusiness corporations are hoping to make genetically modified organisms a permanent feature of our daily diet. But to get to that point they have to overcome consumer, environmental and health organisation's opposition and get past Mother Nature's roadblocks. Agribusiness corporations are hoping to make genetically modified organisms a permanent feature of our daily diet. But to get to that point they have to overcome consumer, environmental and health organisation's opposition and get past Mother Nature's roadblocks.
INVESTING IN DESTRUCTION by GRAIN | 20 Dec 1996 Seedling - December 1996 In this article we review the impact of the World Bank operations on biodiversity over the last 30 years. Its current initiatives in that arena are, at best, merely attempts to put temporary band aids on the mortal wounds the Bank has inflicted on the world. In this article we review the impact of the World Bank operations on biodiversity over the last 30 years. Its current initiatives in that arena are, at best, merely attempts to put temporary band aids on the mortal wounds the Bank has inflicted on the world.
LOCAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER FOR FOOD SECURITY by Samba Seck | 15 Dec 1996 Seedling - December 1996 This story from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) tells how an interethnic technology transfer improved food security and led to the use of better adapted seeds. This story from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) tells how an interethnic technology transfer improved food security and led to the use of better adapted seeds.
GEF - An Unsuitable Vehicle for Biodiversity Conservation by GRAIN | 20 Nov 1996 Seedling - December 1996
SUI GENERIS - A DEAD END ALLEY by Camila Montecinos | 12 Nov 1996 Seedling - December 1996 A self-critical evaluation on NGO's efforts to devise `sui generis' intellectual property systems that really serve to protect the rights of indigenous peoples and farming or other local communities. A self-critical evaluation on NGO's efforts to devise `sui generis' intellectual property systems that really serve to protect the rights of indigenous peoples and farming or other local communities.