THE YEAR OF AGRICULTURAL BIODIVERSITY REVISITED by GRAIN | 25 Mar 1997 Seedling - March 1997 1996 was a year of unprecedented international attention for agricultural biodiversity. But was any tangible progress made? GRAIN looks back. 1996 was a year of unprecedented international attention for agricultural biodiversity. But was any tangible progress made? GRAIN looks back.
THE DIRECTIVE RISES AGAIN by Steve Emmot | 20 Mar 1997 Seedling - March 1997 Two years ago, the European Parliament rejected a law proposal to allow for the patenting of life forms. Today it is back again before the parliamentarians in slightly modified form. An update from Brussels. Two years ago, the European Parliament rejected a law proposal to allow for the patenting of life forms. Today it is back again before the parliamentarians in slightly modified form. An update from Brussels.
ROUNDUP READY OR NOT by GRAIN | 15 Mar 1997 Seedling - March 1997 Monsanto's Roundup Readyâ Soybean is causing an uproar among agricultural, environmental and consumer organisations. As a stunning example of where biotech farming will take us. GRAIN provides a brief summary of the debate. Monsanto's Roundup Readyâ Soybean is causing an uproar among agricultural, environmental and consumer organisations. As a stunning example of where biotech farming will take us. GRAIN provides a brief summary of the debate.