Seedling - December 1997


In December a GRAIN/Biothai seminar in Thailand focused on the TRIPS Agreement of the WTO, and more specifically the implications of this agreement for rights over biodiversity and related knowledge. Included in this overview is "The Thammasat Resolution", a common position reached by the participants.

In December a GRAIN/Biothai seminar in Thailand focused on the TRIPS Agreement of the WTO, and more specifically the implications of this agreement for rights over biodiversity and related knowledge. Included in this overview is "The Thammasat Resolution", a common position reached by the participants.


US trade and agriculture representatives like to present the US as the world's breadbasket, consistently producing ever-increasing amounts of safe and nutritious food for a hungry world. Close examination finds instead, that the endless drive to maximise production is taking its toll, on both US society and the environment.

US trade and agriculture representatives like to present the US as the world's breadbasket, consistently producing ever-increasing amounts of safe and nutritious food for a hungry world. Close examination finds instead, that the endless drive to maximise production is taking its toll, on both US society and the environment.


As the worldwide fishing crisis continues, the industry is regearing itself to secure a continued supply of luxury fish to lucrative markets. Aquaculture and genetic engineering are being heralded by proponents of the Blue Revolution, as the ideal solution. GRAIN examines the record so far and looks at the future implications.

As the worldwide fishing crisis continues, the industry is regearing itself to secure a continued supply of luxury fish to lucrative markets. Aquaculture and genetic engineering are being heralded by proponents of the Blue Revolution, as the ideal solution. GRAIN examines the record so far and looks at the future implications.