Gates Foundation refutes report it fails African farmers by Karrie Kehoe, Thomson Reuters | 5 Nov 2014 corporations | technologies | food crisis | seeds & biodiversity The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has rejected accusations that too much of its funding goes to Western researchers, saying it is helping small farmers in African countries. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has rejected accusations that too much of its funding goes to Western researchers, saying it is helping small farmers in African countries.
Food Systems Academy - an open education resource to transform our food systems by Food Systems Academy | 5 Nov 2014 corporations | food sovereignty | seeds & biodiversity A new site aims to help you increase your understanding of our food systems – where they came from, how they change, what the challenges are and how to meet them. A new site aims to help you increase your understanding of our food systems – where they came from, how they change, what the challenges are and how to meet them.
Gendering peasant movements, gendering food sovereignty by Pamela Caro | 5 Nov 2014 food sovereignty An interview with Pamela Caro from Chile's Women’s Development Research Center (CEDEM) exploring the invisibility of peasant women in the feminist and women’s movements as well as the weaknesses in how the food sovereignty concept deals with the challenges of feminism. An interview with Pamela Caro from Chile's Women’s Development Research Center (CEDEM) exploring the invisibility of peasant women in the feminist and women’s movements as well as the weaknesses in how the food sovereignty concept deals with the challenges of feminism.
How much of world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture? by Rani Molla - Wall Street Journal | 30 Oct 2014 climate crisis GRAIN calculates that about half of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the food system, and that we need to turn to small farmers and local markets to get rid of this. Rani Molla of the Wall Street Journal compares GRAIN's figures with what other's have to say about it. GRAIN calculates that about half of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the food system, and that we need to turn to small farmers and local markets to get rid of this. Rani Molla of the Wall Street Journal compares GRAIN's figures with what other's have to say about it.
Feeding the world by USC Canada | 20 Oct 2014 food crisis | food sovereignty Here's, on one poster, the central message about feeding the world. By USC Canada. Here's, on one poster, the central message about feeding the world. By USC Canada.
The global struggle for food sovereignty by Talking Stick TV | 15 Oct 2014 food sovereignty What is the best work being done to address food sovereignty, environmental degradation and rural livelihoods around the world? How does the Gates Foundation relate to this good work? What is the role of international solidarity in advancing food sovereignty? A panel discussion with Million Belay (Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa and MELCA-Ethiopia), Mariam Mayet (African Centre for Biosafety, South Africa) and Elizabeth Mpofu (ZIMSOFF and La Via Campesina Africa, Zimbabwe) What is the best work being done to address food sovereignty, environmental degradation and rural livelihoods around the world? How does the Gates Foundation relate to this good work? What is the role of international solidarity in advancing food sovereignty? A panel discussion with Million Belay (Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa and MELCA-Ethiopia), Mariam Mayet (African Centre for Biosafety, South Africa) and Elizabeth Mpofu (ZIMSOFF and La Via Campesina Africa, Zimbabwe)
Land rush in Palawan must end: calling for a moratorium on oil palm expansion by Coalition against Land Grabbing (CALG) | 14 Oct 2014 Philippines | land grabbing | food sovereignty Recent years have seen an exponential increase in land deals across the Philippines to convert large expanses of land to produce crops mainly intended for export. Palawan, in spite of its unique recognition as a UNESCO Man & Biosphere Reserve, has not been spared from massive investments in extractive resources and industrial agriculture, especially oil palm development. Recent years have seen an exponential increase in land deals across the Philippines to convert large expanses of land to produce crops mainly intended for export. Palawan, in spite of its unique recognition as a UNESCO Man & Biosphere Reserve, has not been spared from massive investments in extractive resources and industrial agriculture, especially oil palm development.
Malawi's Green Revolution by African Centre for Biosafety | 7 Oct 2014 Malawi | corporations | technologies | food crisis The Green Revolution in Malawi is being pushed as the success story that other countries in the continents should follow. The African Centre for Biosafety collaborated with local partners in the country to find out what's really going on, and produced an excellent report that recommends that the country stops following this path and starts supporting small farmers and their food systems instead. The Green Revolution in Malawi is being pushed as the success story that other countries in the continents should follow. The African Centre for Biosafety collaborated with local partners in the country to find out what's really going on, and produced an excellent report that recommends that the country stops following this path and starts supporting small farmers and their food systems instead.
CSO report for the “FAO’s State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture” by IPC | 3 Oct 2014 seeds & biodiversity The International planning committee for food sovereignty has been asked by FAO to produce a report, by the end of the year, on “The contribution made by farmers, pastoralists, forest dwellers, fishers and other small-scale food providers to the conservation, development and sustainable use of biodiversity for food and agriculture” and seeks your input. The International planning committee for food sovereignty has been asked by FAO to produce a report, by the end of the year, on “The contribution made by farmers, pastoralists, forest dwellers, fishers and other small-scale food providers to the conservation, development and sustainable use of biodiversity for food and agriculture” and seeks your input.
Will GM crops feed the world? by Canadian Biotechnology Action Network | 2 Oct 2014 technologies | seeds & biodiversity CBAN's new report Will GM Crops Feed the World? examines experiences with GM crops and exposes the many ways in which they threaten the environment and farmers’ livelihoods, and overlook the real causes of hunger. CBAN's new report Will GM Crops Feed the World? examines experiences with GM crops and exposes the many ways in which they threaten the environment and farmers’ livelihoods, and overlook the real causes of hunger.
Progress in the New Alliance? Not in support of small-scale food producers by G7/G8 Civil Society Organisations | 23 Sep 2014 corporations | food sovereignty Two years after the launch of the G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, it seems clear that it actually undermines food security, nutrition and the progressive realization of the right to food in Africa. Two years after the launch of the G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, it seems clear that it actually undermines food security, nutrition and the progressive realization of the right to food in Africa.
UnderMining Agriculture - New Report from The Gaia Foundation by Gaia Foundation | 18 Sep 2014 land grabbing | corporations The world's food production and millions of small farmers and communities are under increasing threat from the rapid expansion of mining, says a new report released by the Gaia Foundation. The world's food production and millions of small farmers and communities are under increasing threat from the rapid expansion of mining, says a new report released by the Gaia Foundation.
Social Movements denounce corporate take-over of Ban Ki-Moon Climate Summit by Climatespace | 18 Sep 2014 climate crisis Social movements representing more than 200 million members around the world have publicly denounced the corporate take-over of the upcoming Ban Ki-Moon Climate Summit. In a joint statement published on September 16, they call for systemic change rather than the voluntary pledges and market-based and destructive public-private partnership initiatives that currently feature on the Summit’s agenda, like REDD+ Climate-Smart Agriculture and the Sustainable Energy for All initiative. Social movements representing more than 200 million members around the world have publicly denounced the corporate take-over of the upcoming Ban Ki-Moon Climate Summit. In a joint statement published on September 16, they call for systemic change rather than the voluntary pledges and market-based and destructive public-private partnership initiatives that currently feature on the Summit’s agenda, like REDD+ Climate-Smart Agriculture and the Sustainable Energy for All initiative.
The political economy of Africa's burgeoning chemical fertiliser rush by African Centre for Biosafety | 16 Sep 2014 corporations | technologies The African Centre for Biosafety has just released an in-depth report, The Political economy of Africa’s burgeoning chemical fertiliser rush, which looks at the role of fertiliser in the push for a Green Revolution in Africa, some of the key present and future fertiliser trends on the continent, and identifies the major players involved. The African Centre for Biosafety has just released an in-depth report, The Political economy of Africa’s burgeoning chemical fertiliser rush, which looks at the role of fertiliser in the push for a Green Revolution in Africa, some of the key present and future fertiliser trends on the continent, and identifies the major players involved.
Carnivorous greed by Silvia Ribeiro | 12 Sep 2014 corporations The industrial production of meat and meat products is becoming a huge problem for environmental pollution and the ravages to land and water. It’s also one of the greatest factors contributing to climate change and is the main global destination for GM crops. The industrial production of meat and meat products is becoming a huge problem for environmental pollution and the ravages to land and water. It’s also one of the greatest factors contributing to climate change and is the main global destination for GM crops.