The latest from GRAIN


The main product of the "Earth Summit" will be an agreed programme of action: Agenda 21. As the final Preparatory Conference for the Earth Summit gets under way this month in New York, we look at those parts of Agenda 21 which deal with the conservation and utilization of genetic resources: biodiversity, biotechnology and sustainable agriculture.

The main product of the "Earth Summit" will be an agreed programme of action: Agenda 21. As the final Preparatory Conference for the Earth Summit gets under way this month in New York, we look at those parts of Agenda 21 which deal with the conservation and utilization of genetic resources: biodiversity, biotechnology and sustainable agriculture.

A dissapointing compromise

After seven long years of stormy negotiations at the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, a deal was finally struck on the rules of the game for sharing, conserving and using the world's crop genetic resources. But government delegates and NGOs alike were left feeling that many of the central issues remain unresolved and open to interpretation.

After seven long years of stormy negotiations at the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, a deal was finally struck on the rules of the game for sharing, conserving and using the world's crop genetic resources. But government delegates and NGOs alike were left feeling that many of the central issues remain unresolved and open to interpretation.

Bt Cotton....through the back door

Despite the absence of commercial approval for genetically engineered Bt cotton in any Asian country outside China, it is spreading fast. This article summarises the state of play in Thailand, India and Indonesia, and considers the consequences for small-scale farmers, who have historically been important contributors to the global cotton harvest.

Despite the absence of commercial approval for genetically engineered Bt cotton in any Asian country outside China, it is spreading fast. This article summarises the state of play in Thailand, India and Indonesia, and considers the consequences for small-scale farmers, who have historically been important contributors to the global cotton harvest.

Protecting Asia's most valuable resource

This article discusses the implications of recent developments in relation to the US company RiceTec's patent claims on Basmati rice. It also draws attention to a more recent case of attempted biopiracy of Thailand's prized Jasmine rice.

This article discusses the implications of recent developments in relation to the US company RiceTec's patent claims on Basmati rice. It also draws attention to a more recent case of attempted biopiracy of Thailand's prized Jasmine rice.