The latest from GRAIN

Traditional knowledge of biodiversity in Asia-Pacific: Problems of piracy and protection

A new briefing on the state of traditional knowledge and biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region. GRAIN's 30-page briefing provides details, with numerous examples, of the changes that are occurring in Asia-Pacific; from international agreements, and regional initiatives to action taken by farming communities. Many people at the grassroots level are working to fight back and protect their resources and knowledge from blatant exploitation. Emerging strategies on what communities and organisations could do to further ensure the strengthening of community rights are outlined.

A new briefing on the state of traditional knowledge and biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region. GRAIN's 30-page briefing provides details, with numerous examples, of the changes that are occurring in Asia-Pacific; from international agreements, and regional initiatives to action taken by farming communities. Many people at the grassroots level are working to fight back and protect their resources and knowledge from blatant exploitation. Emerging strategies on what communities and organisations could do to further ensure the strengthening of community rights are outlined.