The latest from GRAIN

Support the call to keep Paraguay free of GM crops

Follow the link above to sign a petition supporting SOBREVIVIENCIA, Friends of the Earth Paraguay's, Transgenic-free Paraguay campaign

Follow the link above to sign a petition supporting SOBREVIVIENCIA, Friends of the Earth Paraguay's, Transgenic-free Paraguay campaign

Paraguay: Land battles a forerunner of crisis

People's movement resists the soy-isation of the country and calls for a revocation of the decree deregulating GM soy

People's movement resists the soy-isation of the country and calls for a revocation of the decree deregulating GM soy

Freedom from IPR: Towards a convergence of movements

Intellectual property rights are now the central source of profits in the so-called "knowledge economy", making their expansion crucial for corporations investing in new technologies and new markets across the planet. But they are killing innovation, freedom and access to essential things like culture, health and education. And it's gone too far. Where there is oppression there is always resistance; people are using all kinds of creative means to organise and push back the IPR onslaught. And it's astounding to see how many people are saying “Enough!” to the excesses of IPR laws. People from different sectors are now realising that the new social spaces they are creating have a lot in common, and efforts are underway to bring the various struggles together. Read more about the potential for "convergence" between these different struggles against IPR. GRAIN aims to publish more analysis, viewpoints and strategy ideas about it in future issues of Seedling . If you have materials to contribute, proposals to share or want to get involved in any other way, please contact us.

Intellectual property rights are now the central source of profits in the so-called "knowledge economy", making their expansion crucial for corporations investing in new technologies and new markets across the planet. But they are killing innovation, freedom and access to essential things like culture, health and education. And it's gone too far. Where there is oppression there is always resistance; people are using all kinds of creative means to organise and push back the IPR onslaught. And it's astounding to see how many people are saying “Enough!” to the excesses of IPR laws. People from different sectors are now realising that the new social spaces they are creating have a lot in common, and efforts are underway to bring the various struggles together. Read more about the potential for "convergence" between these different struggles against IPR. GRAIN aims to publish more analysis, viewpoints and strategy ideas about it in future issues of Seedling . If you have materials to contribute, proposals to share or want to get involved in any other way, please contact us.