The future control of food by Geoff Tansey | 8 Sep 2014 food crisis | laws & policies A wide-ranging guide to the key issues of intellectual property and ownership, genetics, biodiversity, and food security. It also discusses civil society responses to relevant changes and developments in these issues, how they affect the direction of research and development, the nature of global negotiation processes and various alternative futures. A wide-ranging guide to the key issues of intellectual property and ownership, genetics, biodiversity, and food security. It also discusses civil society responses to relevant changes and developments in these issues, how they affect the direction of research and development, the nature of global negotiation processes and various alternative futures.
Agriculture in 'terrible crisis': Indian farmers are struggling to survive by Devinder Sharma | 25 Aug 2014 India | food sovereignty | laws & policies The effort by the World Trade Organization to reshape Indian agricultural policies comes at a time when Indian agriculture is faced with a terrible agrarian crisis. The environmental impacts of the intensively-farmed Green Revolution have become a full-blown crisis of sustainability. With soil fertility devastated, water tables plummeting as a result of relentless water mining, environmental contamination from excessive use and abuse of chemical pesticides, the entire farming equation has gone wrong. The effort by the World Trade Organization to reshape Indian agricultural policies comes at a time when Indian agriculture is faced with a terrible agrarian crisis. The environmental impacts of the intensively-farmed Green Revolution have become a full-blown crisis of sustainability. With soil fertility devastated, water tables plummeting as a result of relentless water mining, environmental contamination from excessive use and abuse of chemical pesticides, the entire farming equation has gone wrong.
Chile derails ‘Monsanto law’ that would privatise seeds by New Amercia Media | 28 Mar 2014 Chile | seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies | actions This month, rural women, indigenous communities, and farmers in Chile found themselves on the winning end of a long-fought battle against a bill that had come to be known by many in this country as simply, the “Monsanto Law.” This month, rural women, indigenous communities, and farmers in Chile found themselves on the winning end of a long-fought battle against a bill that had come to be known by many in this country as simply, the “Monsanto Law.”
Seed diversity and food security threatened by an overly concentrated EU seed market by EU Parliament Greens/EFA group | 27 Jan 2014 seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies De-bunking the myth that the European seed market is diversified: the event will highlight the dominance of a small group of multinational companies, exposing false assumptions underlying proposed regulation of the seeds in the European Community. De-bunking the myth that the European seed market is diversified: the event will highlight the dominance of a small group of multinational companies, exposing false assumptions underlying proposed regulation of the seeds in the European Community.
Thai farmers and civic groups protest UPOV lobby by Bangkok Post | 21 Nov 2013 Thailand | seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies | actions A group of farmers gather at the Department of Agriculture (DOA) in Bang Khen district yesterday to voice their opposition to the planned ratification of the 1991 International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). The farmers submitted a protest letter to Martin Ekvad, the UPOV executive who briefed DOA officials about the convention. A group of farmers gather at the Department of Agriculture (DOA) in Bang Khen district yesterday to voice their opposition to the planned ratification of the 1991 International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). The farmers submitted a protest letter to Martin Ekvad, the UPOV executive who briefed DOA officials about the convention.
Africa's unfair battle (part 6): 'The entire food aid system is perverted' by Michaela Schiessl | 13 Nov 2013 food sovereignty | laws & policies Industrialised nations spend billions to subsidise their high-tech farming industries. Surplus crops often end up being sold at rock-bottom prices in the markets of developing countries, making it impossible for local farmers to sell their products. Even the American food aid being sent to famine-plagued regions creates more suffering than it alleviates, because many governments prefer to wait for handouts than buy up their farmers' harvests. The lack of options is forcing thousands of Africans to risk the life-threatening journey to Europe. Industrialised nations spend billions to subsidise their high-tech farming industries. Surplus crops often end up being sold at rock-bottom prices in the markets of developing countries, making it impossible for local farmers to sell their products. Even the American food aid being sent to famine-plagued regions creates more suffering than it alleviates, because many governments prefer to wait for handouts than buy up their farmers' harvests. The lack of options is forcing thousands of Africans to risk the life-threatening journey to Europe.
ARIPO’S plant variety protection law criminalises farmers and undermines seed systems in Africa by Allliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa | 18 Oct 2013 seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa is gravely concerned about a draft law developed under the auspices of the Africa Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO), dealing with a harmonised regional legal framework for the protection of plant breeders’ rights, titled ‘Draft Regional Policy and Legal Framework for Plant Variety Protection’. ARIPO is in the process of seeking the approval of its Member States to adopt the legal framework, possibly at the next ARIPO Administrative Council and Council of Ministers meeting due to take place 25–29 November 2013 in Kampala, Uganda. The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa is gravely concerned about a draft law developed under the auspices of the Africa Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO), dealing with a harmonised regional legal framework for the protection of plant breeders’ rights, titled ‘Draft Regional Policy and Legal Framework for Plant Variety Protection’. ARIPO is in the process of seeking the approval of its Member States to adopt the legal framework, possibly at the next ARIPO Administrative Council and Council of Ministers meeting due to take place 25–29 November 2013 in Kampala, Uganda.
COMESA approval of seed trade regulations spells disaster for small farmers and food sovereignty in Africa by Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa | 2 Oct 2013 seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa strongly condemns the approval of draft Seed Trade Harmonization Regulations by COMESA's Council of Ministers in September which will only facilitate agricultural transformation in member states towards industrialization of farming systems based on the logic of the controversial, failed and hopelessly doomed Green Revolution model of agriculture. The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa strongly condemns the approval of draft Seed Trade Harmonization Regulations by COMESA's Council of Ministers in September which will only facilitate agricultural transformation in member states towards industrialization of farming systems based on the logic of the controversial, failed and hopelessly doomed Green Revolution model of agriculture.
Message to Brazilian agribusiness congressmen by InterContinental Cry | 20 Sep 2013 Brazil | laws & policies The National Congress of Brazil will soon be deciding on a proposed constitutional amendment that would give the Congress exclusive authority to decide where the boundaries of all indigenous lands lie, including any lands previously demarcated and ratified by the Executive Branch of the government. Worried about the future of his people, a Guarani man called Pedro Vicente Karai Miri recorded this message to the congressmen. The National Congress of Brazil will soon be deciding on a proposed constitutional amendment that would give the Congress exclusive authority to decide where the boundaries of all indigenous lands lie, including any lands previously demarcated and ratified by the Executive Branch of the government. Worried about the future of his people, a Guarani man called Pedro Vicente Karai Miri recorded this message to the congressmen.
Our seed, our sovereignty - seed law victory in Indonesia by Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice | 22 Aug 2013 Indonesia | seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies Since 2005, 14 farmer breeders in East Java have been prosecuted for "stealing seed" from corporations. But a judicial review by Indonesia's constitutional court has just found key parts of the law used to go after the farmers are unconstitutional. Since 2005, 14 farmer breeders in East Java have been prosecuted for "stealing seed" from corporations. But a judicial review by Indonesia's constitutional court has just found key parts of the law used to go after the farmers are unconstitutional.
Is Africa about to lose the right to her seed? by Glenn Ashton | 23 Apr 2013 food sovereignty | seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies Seed and the control of seed lies at the heart of agriculture. In Africa around 80% of seed comes from local and community saved seed resources. This seed is adapted to local conditions. It forms an integral part of community food security and agricultural integrity. This entire traditional system is now under threat. Seed and the control of seed lies at the heart of agriculture. In Africa around 80% of seed comes from local and community saved seed resources. This seed is adapted to local conditions. It forms an integral part of community food security and agricultural integrity. This entire traditional system is now under threat.
Mozambican youth and students denounce G8's New Alliance by ADECRU | 17 Apr 2013 Mozambique | food sovereignty | laws & policies Youth and student group Academic Action for the Development of Rural Communities (ADECRU) call G8's New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa an attack against Africa's food sovereignty, cultural diversity and biodiversity. Youth and student group Academic Action for the Development of Rural Communities (ADECRU) call G8's New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa an attack against Africa's food sovereignty, cultural diversity and biodiversity.
USA: The meat industry now consumes four-fifths of all antibiotics by Tom Philpott | 28 Feb 2013 United States | corporations | laws & policies | food safety | actions Antibiotic overuse is breeding new and resistant strains of bacteria that infect people. But industrial farms haven't got the message. In 2011 almost 30 million pounds of antibiotics were sold in the US for meat and poulty production. Almost four times as much as those sold to treat sick people! An excellent reflection by Tom Philpott. Antibiotic overuse is breeding new and resistant strains of bacteria that infect people. But industrial farms haven't got the message. In 2011 almost 30 million pounds of antibiotics were sold in the US for meat and poulty production. Almost four times as much as those sold to treat sick people! An excellent reflection by Tom Philpott.
Move toward new Pan-African IP organisation alarms observers by William New | 28 Sep 2012 seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies A seemingly remote African Union proposal to create a Pan-African Intellectual Property Organization appears to have gained momentum and will come before African science and technology ministers for review in early November, according to sources. A copy of the final draft statutes shows how the new body would operate, and for some observers, how it would elevate African IP standards well above current levels, with “disastrous consequences” for access, development, and human rights. A seemingly remote African Union proposal to create a Pan-African Intellectual Property Organization appears to have gained momentum and will come before African science and technology ministers for review in early November, according to sources. A copy of the final draft statutes shows how the new body would operate, and for some observers, how it would elevate African IP standards well above current levels, with “disastrous consequences” for access, development, and human rights.
Farewell, Erna by GRAIN | 10 Jan 2012 seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Dr. Erna Bennett on 3 January 2011 at her home in Scotland. Erna was a world-renown geneticist, and a tireless fighter against the corporate take over of peasants' seeds. We would like to share with you an article that she wrote for us 10 years ago. It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Dr. Erna Bennett on 3 January 2011 at her home in Scotland. Erna was a world-renown geneticist, and a tireless fighter against the corporate take over of peasants' seeds. We would like to share with you an article that she wrote for us 10 years ago.