BRAZIL'S TRANSGENIC-FREE ZONE by GRAIN | 25 Sep 1999 Seedling - September 1999 The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul is intent on becoming a transgenic-free zone. As a leading producer of soybeans for the global market, making such a move presents both problems and opportunities. The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul is intent on becoming a transgenic-free zone. As a leading producer of soybeans for the global market, making such a move presents both problems and opportunities.
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly rejects bio-patenting by GRAIN | 24 Sep 1999 BIO-IPR (1997-2009)
TURNING THE PADDY GOLD: CORN IN SOUTHEAST ASIA by BIOTHAI, MASIPAG, PAN Indonesia and GRAIN | 20 Sep 1999 Seedling - September 1999 Corn is being transformed from an important staple for farmers and poor families in the region into an industrial commodity. In the process, regional food security is becoming increasingly threatened. Corn is being transformed from an important staple for farmers and poor families in the region into an industrial commodity. In the process, regional food security is becoming increasingly threatened.
GèNOPLANTE: A STRATEGIC ERROR by Jean Pierre Berlan <i>et al.</i> | 15 Sep 1999 Seedling - September 1999 A major new research initiative in France designed to bring together agribusiness and public research institutions threatens to stifle independent public research and direct it towards the interests of agribusiness. A major new research initiative in France designed to bring together agribusiness and public research institutions threatens to stifle independent public research and direct it towards the interests of agribusiness.
Whose agenda? The corporate takeover of corn in SE Asia by Biothai, GRAIN, MASIPAG and PAN Indonesia | 25 Aug 1999