Consultative Group's rice research institute goes into business. On November 9, 2007, in the midst of the Asian Seed Congress, IRRI announced the formation of its Hybrid Rice Research and Development Consortium. This lays the foundation for a direct relationship between IRRI and private seed companies: IRRI supplies the parent lines and corporations, who gain exclusive rights to the varieties, handle the marketing.

Consultative Group's rice research institute goes into business. On November 9, 2007, in the midst of the Asian Seed Congress, IRRI announced the formation of its Hybrid Rice Research and Development Consortium. This lays the foundation for a direct relationship between IRRI and private seed companies: IRRI supplies the parent lines and corporations, who gain exclusive rights to the varieties, handle the marketing.

October 2007

Editor's notes on what's in this issue, plus download the whole of the Seedling issue in PDF format.

Editor's notes on what's in this issue, plus download the whole of the Seedling issue in PDF format.

What's wrong with rights?

GRAIN invited a group of people around the world to reflect on their concepts of rights and how they affect people’s lives and welfare. This issue editorial.

GRAIN invited a group of people around the world to reflect on their concepts of rights and how they affect people’s lives and welfare. This issue editorial.

C.R. Bijoy

C.R. Bijoy is an independent researcher and activist in India who is primarily involved with indigenous peoples’ struggles, such as the Campaign for Survival and Dignity, a coalition of mass organisations that emerged to counter the nationwide repression unleashed on forests and forest peoples in 2002.

C.R. Bijoy is an independent researcher and activist in India who is primarily involved with indigenous peoples’ struggles, such as the Campaign for Survival and Dignity, a coalition of mass organisations that emerged to counter the nationwide repression unleashed on forests and forest peoples in 2002.

Evangelina Robles

Evangelina Robles is a lawyer who has represented the Wirarika people of Mexico in hundreds of litigations to recover their territory. She is in a collective that supports efforts by indigenous peoples to retain control over their territories and ways of life.

Evangelina Robles is a lawyer who has represented the Wirarika people of Mexico in hundreds of litigations to recover their territory. She is in a collective that supports efforts by indigenous peoples to retain control over their territories and ways of life.

Edmond Ouinsou

Edmond Ouinsou works for ANASAD (Afrique Nature pour la Santé et le Développment/African Nature for Health and Development), a non-governmental organisation in Benin.

Edmond Ouinsou works for ANASAD (Afrique Nature pour la Santé et le Développment/African Nature for Health and Development), a non-governmental organisation in Benin.

Louis Tovioujdi

Louis Tovioujdi is a traditional healer from the district of Avrankou in south-east Benin, near the border with Nigeria.

Louis Tovioujdi is a traditional healer from the district of Avrankou in south-east Benin, near the border with Nigeria.

Houédassi Kounagbodé, Tétédé Ogoutolé and Jeanne Houeto

Houédassi Kounagbodé, Tétédé Ogoutolé and Jeanne Houeto are women peasant farmers from the Ahouanzanhouê Djromahouton Association in the village of Ouanho, Benin.

Houédassi Kounagbodé, Tétédé Ogoutolé and Jeanne Houeto are women peasant farmers from the Ahouanzanhouê Djromahouton Association in the village of Ouanho, Benin.

Dodou Koudafokè / Hounguè Koudafokè

Dodou Koudafokè belongs to an association that brings together traditional healers from four villages (Ouanho, Tchakla, Gbakpo and Hèhoun) in the district of Avrankou in south-east Benin. / Hounguè Koudafokè is the brother of Dodou Koudafokè. He is also a traditional healer and lives in the village of Ouanho, Benin.

Dodou Koudafokè belongs to an association that brings together traditional healers from four villages (Ouanho, Tchakla, Gbakpo and Hèhoun) in the district of Avrankou in south-east Benin. / Hounguè Koudafokè is the brother of Dodou Koudafokè. He is also a traditional healer and lives in the village of Ouanho, Benin.

Nestor Mahinou

Nestor Mahinou is the executive secretary of Synergie Paysanne (Peasant Synergy), a peasant farmers’ trade union in Benin.

Nestor Mahinou is the executive secretary of Synergie Paysanne (Peasant Synergy), a peasant farmers’ trade union in Benin.

Farhad Mazhar

Farhad Mazhar is a leading member of Bangladesh’s Nayakrishi Andolon (New Agricultural Movement), which practises and promotes biodiversity-based ecological agriculture.

Farhad Mazhar is a leading member of Bangladesh’s Nayakrishi Andolon (New Agricultural Movement), which practises and promotes biodiversity-based ecological agriculture.