Bicolano farmers continue fight against Golden Rice field tests and commercialization! Call for a GMO free Bicol by MASIPAG | SIKWAL-GMO | KMB | 22 Aug 2014 Philippines | technologies | seeds & biodiversity A year after the uprooting of Golden Rice, more than a hundred farmers, scientists, consumers and basic sectors joined hands to call for the immediate halt of the planned field tests and commercialization of Golden Rice in Philippines, saying that this will only pose more problems rather than solving the problem on hunger and malnutrition. A year after the uprooting of Golden Rice, more than a hundred farmers, scientists, consumers and basic sectors joined hands to call for the immediate halt of the planned field tests and commercialization of Golden Rice in Philippines, saying that this will only pose more problems rather than solving the problem on hunger and malnutrition.
Dario Ruggiero interviews GRAIN staffers by Dario Ruggiero | 24 Jul 2014 land grabbing | seeds & biodiversity Dario Ruggiero of 'LT-Economy' interviewed GRAIN staffers Ramon Vera and Henk Hobbelink. Ramon talks about the struggles around seeds, and Henk zooms in on the issues of land grabbing. The full magazine which contains other interesting interviews and articles, can be downloaded here. Dario Ruggiero of 'LT-Economy' interviewed GRAIN staffers Ramon Vera and Henk Hobbelink. Ramon talks about the struggles around seeds, and Henk zooms in on the issues of land grabbing. The full magazine which contains other interesting interviews and articles, can be downloaded here.
How 'the new DDT' wreaks havoc on the bottom of the food chain by Stephen Leahy | 26 Jun 2014 food crisis | seeds & biodiversity “It’s the new DDT but different,” said Ole Hendrickson, a former scientist at Environment Canada. “Instead of wiping out the top of the food chain, killing hawks and eagles as DDT did, neonics are wiping out the bottom of the food chain,” “It’s the new DDT but different,” said Ole Hendrickson, a former scientist at Environment Canada. “Instead of wiping out the top of the food chain, killing hawks and eagles as DDT did, neonics are wiping out the bottom of the food chain,”
Ten years of failure: farmers deceived by GM corn by Masipag | 12 Jun 2014 Philippines | technologies | seeds & biodiversity A decade afer Bt corn was commercialised in the Philippines, farmers explain the devastating socio-economic impacts of GM corn on their lives and livelihoods. A decade afer Bt corn was commercialised in the Philippines, farmers explain the devastating socio-economic impacts of GM corn on their lives and livelihoods.
Asian farmers unite to stop Golden Rice by MASIPAG et al | 30 Apr 2014 Indonesia | Philippines | technologies | seeds & biodiversity Farmers and sectoral organisations attending a conference in the Philippines have united to stop the commercialisation of transgenic Golden Rice, saying this will decimate indigenous rice genetic diversity, and affect farmers’ rights, people’s health and the environment. Farmers and sectoral organisations attending a conference in the Philippines have united to stop the commercialisation of transgenic Golden Rice, saying this will decimate indigenous rice genetic diversity, and affect farmers’ rights, people’s health and the environment.
Chile derails ‘Monsanto law’ that would privatise seeds by New Amercia Media | 28 Mar 2014 Chile | seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies | actions This month, rural women, indigenous communities, and farmers in Chile found themselves on the winning end of a long-fought battle against a bill that had come to be known by many in this country as simply, the “Monsanto Law.” This month, rural women, indigenous communities, and farmers in Chile found themselves on the winning end of a long-fought battle against a bill that had come to be known by many in this country as simply, the “Monsanto Law.”
Djimini Declaration by West African Peasant Seed Committee (COASP) | 28 Mar 2014 Senegal | seeds & biodiversity On the occasion of the 4th edition of the West African peasant seed fair, held in Djimini, Senegal from 11-13 March 2014, 300 participants, representing 54 delegations from Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Niger, Mali, Togo, Senegal, Guinea, India, Europe and Canada assembled to promote peasant seeds. On the occasion of the 4th edition of the West African peasant seed fair, held in Djimini, Senegal from 11-13 March 2014, 300 participants, representing 54 delegations from Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Niger, Mali, Togo, Senegal, Guinea, India, Europe and Canada assembled to promote peasant seeds.
17 April 2014: Global day of action in defence of peasants' seeds by La Vía Campesina | 4 Mar 2014 seeds & biodiversity | actions La Via Campesina are calling for this April 17th 2014 to be a global day of action and mobilisation in defence of the struggles of farmers and peasants, and, in particular, in defence of peasants' and farmers' seeds. La Via Campesina are calling for this April 17th 2014 to be a global day of action and mobilisation in defence of the struggles of farmers and peasants, and, in particular, in defence of peasants' and farmers' seeds.
Soil to sky: agroecology vs. industrial agriculture by Christensen Fund | 8 Feb 2014 corporations | food sovereignty | seeds & biodiversity A great educational poster contrasting industrial agriculture and agroecology. By the Christensen Fund. A great educational poster contrasting industrial agriculture and agroecology. By the Christensen Fund.
Seed diversity and food security threatened by an overly concentrated EU seed market by EU Parliament Greens/EFA group | 27 Jan 2014 seeds & biodiversity | laws & policies De-bunking the myth that the European seed market is diversified: the event will highlight the dominance of a small group of multinational companies, exposing false assumptions underlying proposed regulation of the seeds in the European Community. De-bunking the myth that the European seed market is diversified: the event will highlight the dominance of a small group of multinational companies, exposing false assumptions underlying proposed regulation of the seeds in the European Community.
Mobilisation to defend farmers’ rights by Coordination Européenne Via Campesina | 17 Jan 2014 seeds & biodiversity | actions FOR the rights of farmers to use and freely exchange their seeds and breeding animals, and to have unrestricted access to all available crop diversity AGAINST patents on living organisms, and control of the seed market by multinationals FOR the rights of farmers to use and freely exchange their seeds and breeding animals, and to have unrestricted access to all available crop diversity AGAINST patents on living organisms, and control of the seed market by multinationals
Agroecology cools down the earth by Via Campesina | 5 Dec 2013 climate crisis | seeds & biodiversity "We are directly opposed to the carbon market approach to dealing with the climate crisis. Turning our farmers’ fields into carbon sinks – the rights to which can be sold on the carbon market – will only lead us further away from what we see as the real solution: food sovereignty. The carbon in our farms is not for sale!" A film by Via Campesina "We are directly opposed to the carbon market approach to dealing with the climate crisis. Turning our farmers’ fields into carbon sinks – the rights to which can be sold on the carbon market – will only lead us further away from what we see as the real solution: food sovereignty. The carbon in our farms is not for sale!" A film by Via Campesina
Seeds of sovereignty by Gaia Foundation | 4 Dec 2013 Ethiopia | climate crisis | seeds & biodiversity As the world’s agriculture and food systems face a crisis of disappearing seed diversity, a new short film tells the story of how African farming communities and organisations are reviving traditional seed diversity across the continent, and resisting mounting corporate pressure to use industrialised seed and farming methods. As the world’s agriculture and food systems face a crisis of disappearing seed diversity, a new short film tells the story of how African farming communities and organisations are reviving traditional seed diversity across the continent, and resisting mounting corporate pressure to use industrialised seed and farming methods.
Dust to dust: a man-made Malthusian crisis by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard | 2 Dec 2013 United States | food crisis | seeds & biodiversity We must wake up to the global land crisis or face a very real threat of famine We must wake up to the global land crisis or face a very real threat of famine
The global struggle for peasants seeds: a struggle for our future by Via Campesina | 22 Nov 2013 seeds & biodiversity Seeds is becoming a central and strong pillar in the fight for food sovereignty. In kitchens, gardens and markets, farmers conserve, exchange and develop seeds. But the corporations and many governments are keen to privatise seeds, and get farmers to get hooked onto the hybrids and GMOs from the laboratories. Here is Via Campesina's take on the issue. Seeds is becoming a central and strong pillar in the fight for food sovereignty. In kitchens, gardens and markets, farmers conserve, exchange and develop seeds. But the corporations and many governments are keen to privatise seeds, and get farmers to get hooked onto the hybrids and GMOs from the laboratories. Here is Via Campesina's take on the issue.