"Seeds in resistance" is an animation developed in connection with the documentary "Seeds: commons or corporate property?", produced in 2017 by a collective of Latin American organisations from all across the continent that are working to defend native seeds as the basis of peoples' food sovereignty.We are sharing this animation as one more tool to help people understand and become familiar with these issues. For further information, we suggest that you view and share the full documentary at https://vimeo.com/218841301.This video is also intended as a tribute to the millions of peasants who continue to defend seeds on their territories, and especially the members of La Via Campesina, whose seed campaign has been an important inspiration for this animation. We are indebted to La Via Campesina for reminding us that seeds are the heart of food sovereignty.The members of the Latin American Seed Collective are: Asociación Nacional para el Fomento de la Agricultura Ecológica (ANAFAE, Honduras), Red Nacional para la defensa de la Soberanía Alimentaria (REDSAG, Guatemala), Red de Biodiversidad (Costa Rica), Grupo Semillas (Colombia), Acción Ecológica (Ecuador), Articulação Nacional de Agroecología (Brazil), Acción por la Biodiversidad (Argentina) and GRAIN.This video is available in Spanish; with English, French and Portuguese subtitles. To turn on subtitles, click the ‘CC’ button in the player's bottom toolbar. In the menu that appears, select the language track you would like to see.