Feronia 2016 company reports and community documents: “Plainte contre la Société PHC/Feronia à Lokutu”, letter addressed to the Prime Minister of the DRC by the indigenous communities of the territories of Basoko, Yahuma and Isangi, 15 September 2016. “Avis sur la conversion des titres de propriété foncière counvrant les SR86, SR709 et 12 à Basoko/PHC/Lokutu,” Letter addressed to the Minister of Lands in Kinshasa from the Director of the land agency for the Tshopo 1, May 2012. “Accusé de réception de la lettre N. 304/2013/APM, AHO/LTU/FC”, letter addressed to the Administrator of the Territory of Yahuma from the Bolombo Chief Bolonga Batikalaki Koyasai Michel, September 2013. “Desiderata de la population de Yahuma face à la société PHC/Feronia area Lokutu”, signed in Mosité, 8 March 2015 “Memo conflit entre la société PHC-Feronia, les ONG (RIAO-IHA) et les populations dans le territoire d’Ingende”, memo addressed to the President of the National Assembly by the customary chiefs of the Territory of Igende, 20 August 2013. “Pétition contre société PHC/Feronia: Lokutu”, Petition addressed to the President of RIAO-RD by civil society organisations of Basoko, 8 March 2016 “Analyse réponse CDC et Feronia”, statement signed by 13 community leaders from Feronia’s three plantation areas (Lokutu, Yaligimba, Boteka), October 2016, Kampala, Uganda. “Memo”, Memo written and signed by village leaders of Monkoso, 15 April 2016. 2013 Financial report of Feronia JCA (Kinshasa), retrieved from the Kinshasa business registry. “Traité relatif à la fusion - absorption de Feronia JCA Ltd SARL par Feronia RDC SARL”, 10 December 2016.