GRAIN's 2022 activity report

by GRAIN | 23 Mar 2023

Peasants and small-scale food producers around the world faced striking challenges this past year: climate events like the floods that devastated harvests in Pakistan and the so-called food and energy crisis causing tremendous price increases of inputs while fertiliser and pesticides companies were posting huge profits.

GRAIN provided analysis to expose and increase understanding of these forces shaping the global food system, releasing reports and information covering the digitalisation of land, free trade agreements, greenwashing schemes, financial actors pushing industrial agriculture and aquaculture, GMO promotion, the fertiliser trap and much more.

We also worked together with partners around the world to stand up against seed privatisation, the false solutions by the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil and corporate power in the food system -- and for feminist food sovereignty, climate justice and agroecology.

In this Highlights report, we reflect on these and other activities carried out during what for us was a bittersweet year, with several endings and new beginnings.

Download the full report here

Author: GRAIN
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