Looking back over the past year, and past three decades of work, one message comes through loud and clear: the importance of supporting movements on the ground fighting for and building food sovereignty. As the ills and shortcomings of the industrial food system become more and more obvious in light of the climate crisis and global pandemic, GRAIN remains convinced that food sovereignty is a viable and formidable alternative to agribusiness. And that social movements need to be firmly in leadership, with groups like GRAIN to support and help strengthen.
This report shares examples of GRAIN’s support in the form of information work and movement building in the struggles for food sovereignty. From corporate capture to seed saving, factory farming to climate justice, agribusiness to agroecology, we are committed to exposing the ills of the current system and advancing alternatives towards community-controlled, biodiversity-based food systems.
Read on to see some highlights from 2020 and a bit of our history since 1990, as we marked our 30th anniversary.