Towards seed sovereignty: new easy to read seed law training posters for CSOs

by ACB | 15 AoĆ» 2016


Previously, the African Centre for Biodiversity shared with you, easy to read seed posters on intellectual property rights, UPOV 1991, the Arusha Plant Variety Protection Protocol etc. and implications for small holder farmers and farmers’ rights.

Now, we are happy to announce the release of a second set of easy to read seed posters, dealing with seed laws that regulate the release, certification and marketing of seed nationally and regionally. These posters represent our continuing efforts to share knowledge and information about the threats these laws pose to the protection of farmers’ rights, farmer managed seed systems and food sovereignty.

The posters come in a set of seven, around the following themes:

1. What is a Seed Law;
2. What is Quality Declared Seed;
3. What are the DUS criteria;
4. Impacts of Seed Laws on farmer managed seed systems;
5. Harmonisation of Africa’s seed laws through SADC and COMESA;
6. Impacts of harmonisation of seed laws on farmer managed seed systems and small scale farmers; and
7. Seed sovereignty for small-scale farmers.

The posters are available in English, Portuguese, French, KiSwahili, Shona, IsiXhosa and IsiZulu. 

Please contact Vinern from our office, [email protected] in order to place your orders for the posters, which we will send to you free of charge. The only thing that we ask of you is that you share these with members of CSOs in Africa, particularly small holder farmers.

Download the posters in PDF format from the ACB website.

Author: ACB
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