Agricultural Growth Corridors: the latest idea for Africa?

by EcoNexus, War on Want | 12 Dec 2012

'Agricultural Growth Corridors' increasingly pop up in the promotion literature of donors, corporations and multilateral agencies alike. The latest idea to 'develop' Africa and help it's small farmers, they claim. What's this all about? Two new reports give some background.

EcoNexus just published its report “African Agricultural Growth Corridors: who benefits, who loses?. They describe several of these corridor projects in Tanzania and Mozambique, and conclude that these are yet another effort to reorder land and water access in favour of large corporations and industrial export agriculture. Earlier this month, GRAIN published an article on the role of Brazil and Japan behind one of these corridors in Mozambique, and here is an interview with GRAIN about the issue.

Igually interesting is “The Hunger Games: How DFID support for agribusiness is fuelling poverty in Africa” a report by the UK NGO War on Want. It documents how the UK government, through its international aid department, is directly supporting agribusiness companies like Monsanto, Unilever and Syngenta to expand their business in Africa. All of them are directly involved in pushing agricultural growth corridors.


Author: EcoNexus, War on Want
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