July 2002 by Janet Bell, editor of Seedling

by GRAIN | 6 Jul 2002

July 2002 by Janet Bell, editor of Seedling

A new look for Seedling

Editor Janet Bell explaining to her sons why she has been working so hard recentlyWe thought it was about time we gave Seedling a new look – after all, its previous ‘look' dates back almost as long as Seedling itself. Many thanks to everyone who took the trouble to give us feedback. We hope that in the new Seedling you see your suggestions reflected back at you. We would love to hear what you think of the changes. Don't forget that if you have not yet resubscribed to the new Seedling, you need to do so soon to be kept on the mailing list. Write or send us an email to let us know (see the inside front cover).

Much of the old Seedling is still here – it just looks different. We have tried to liven it up without losing the essence of the old Seedling. We have added a few new sections – like this one. The “Home Page” is nothing to do with the web – it just seemed to be the perfect name for a page linking Seedling back to its roots in GRAIN, so that you get a better sense of who we are and what GRAIN does. In this section we will keep you updated on what's happening in GRAIN – activities we are involved in, new publications we produce, etc. In the new Seedling, we have included an editorial in response to requests for more opinion and analysis. The interview section is also new and we decided to have a little fun by selecting our interviewees alphabetically. Feel free to give us ideas on people you would like to see included.

The early days: first there was just Henk Hobbelink and Renée Vellvé working out of a small office in Barcelona, Spain GRAIN has changed a great deal in the last 20 years. While the issues have got bigger, we have – deliberately – remained small, expanding from the original two employees to our current twelve. Instead, we have sought to expand our influence by networking and linking in to regional processes. As mentioned in the editorial, our regionalisation process has changed our focus and our ways of working. We now have no more than three people working in one place, and GRAIN staff scattered around the globe, from Chile to Benin to the Philippines. We will introduce the different people that form GRAIN over time on this page.

For more details on who we are, have a look at the “about us” section on our web site at

Author: GRAIN