Food hygiene guidelines in traditional markets: A hurdle for local markets and street vendors?

Given the large scope of traditional markets globally, important questions arise from a recent UN initiative. What would food hygiene control measures mean for the local traders and street food vendors, given that traditional markets and street vendors are mostly informal and unstructured?

Given the large scope of traditional markets globally, important questions arise from a recent UN initiative. What would food hygiene control measures mean for the local traders and street food vendors, given that traditional markets and street vendors are mostly informal and unstructured?

GRAIN in 2023: highlights of our activities

Coalitions and collective action were crucial to challenging corporate power and advancing food sovereignty in 2023. Get an update on the struggles around trade, land, seeds and climate in GRAIN's annual report.

Coalitions and collective action were crucial to challenging corporate power and advancing food sovereignty in 2023. Get an update on the struggles around trade, land, seeds and climate in GRAIN's annual report.

Whipping up disaster: how Brazil became a lab for financial agro-investments

How does Brazil become an agribusiness laboratory? The alliance between finance capital and large estates threatens future dispossession. Landless, homeless and waterless majorities could receive rent if they finance those they expropriate.

How does Brazil become an agribusiness laboratory? The alliance between finance capital and large estates threatens future dispossession. Landless, homeless and waterless majorities could receive rent if they finance those they expropriate.

New poster on food and the climate crisis

There is no way to deal with the climate crisis without addressing how we produce and consume food. In this new poster, GRAIN breaks down the culprits and the solutions when it comes to food and the climate crisis.

There is no way to deal with the climate crisis without addressing how we produce and consume food. In this new poster, GRAIN breaks down the culprits and the solutions when it comes to food and the climate crisis.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil explained

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is a front group protecting agribusiness companies and industrial monocultures. New primer explains what RSPO is and its impacts on local communities & workers.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is a front group protecting agribusiness companies and industrial monocultures. New primer explains what RSPO is and its impacts on local communities & workers.

Oil palm in Latin America: monoculture and violence

Oil palm plantations in Latin America have quadrupled. Demand is driven by the relatively low price of palm oil and its multiple uses. This crop is creating constant conflicts on peasant, indigenous and Afro-descendant lands.

Oil palm plantations in Latin America have quadrupled. Demand is driven by the relatively low price of palm oil and its multiple uses. This crop is creating constant conflicts on peasant, indigenous and Afro-descendant lands.

Plastic waste in the food system: corporations continue to binge on single-use plastic while local shops and hawkers find alternatives

In this edition we see how in India and China, local markets and street food vendors in Asia that operate outside the corporate system are already finding creative ways to reduce their plastic waste and develop solutions that support people's livelihoods and food needs.

In this edition we see how in India and China, local markets and street food vendors in Asia that operate outside the corporate system are already finding creative ways to reduce their plastic waste and develop solutions that support people's livelihoods and food needs.

The Davos-isation of the climate COP

UN climate talks are increasingly being used to cut carbon deals, not emissions. This is the Davos-isation of COP. In this article, GRAIN looks at how this corporate capture played out in the area of food and agriculture, the source of one-third of global emissions.

UN climate talks are increasingly being used to cut carbon deals, not emissions. This is the Davos-isation of COP. In this article, GRAIN looks at how this corporate capture played out in the area of food and agriculture, the source of one-third of global emissions.

A new wave of land grabs strikes Tanzania

Tanzania’s experience in the global land grab post-2008 led to shattered hopes, land conflicts & misery for small farmers. Yet, the current govt risks repeating history. A new report looks at this critical moment for Tanzania's small farmers & pastoralists.

Tanzania’s experience in the global land grab post-2008 led to shattered hopes, land conflicts & misery for small farmers. Yet, the current govt risks repeating history. A new report looks at this critical moment for Tanzania's small farmers & pastoralists.

Expanding markets, undermining food sovereignty: 10 years of China’s Belt and Road

Ten years into the Belt and Road Initiative projects, the expansion of corporate investments in the global agri-food system has reached new heights. As evidenced in this GRAIN report, it is hard to find anything “green” or small-scale about the BRI's plans in agriculture, fisheries and e-commerce.

Ten years into the Belt and Road Initiative projects, the expansion of corporate investments in the global agri-food system has reached new heights. As evidenced in this GRAIN report, it is hard to find anything “green” or small-scale about the BRI's plans in agriculture, fisheries and e-commerce.

Challenging e-commerce monopolisation in food distribution

E-commerce continues to expand rapidly into food distribution and retail across Asia, speeding up corporate control. These digital platforms increase the pricing power corporations have over farmers and enable them to bring workers in the food system under the control of invisible command centers.

E-commerce continues to expand rapidly into food distribution and retail across Asia, speeding up corporate control. These digital platforms increase the pricing power corporations have over farmers and enable them to bring workers in the food system under the control of invisible command centers.

Tackling the climate crisis by addressing food consumption

It is now common knowledge that we have to transform both how we produce and how we use energy to disrupt the current trajectory of climate change. Simply switching from “polluting” energy sources to “clean” ones will not work. We actually have to produce and use less energy altogether if we are to keep our planet liveable while fighting for justice and equity in terms of who can access and consume energy.

It is now common knowledge that we have to transform both how we produce and how we use energy to disrupt the current trajectory of climate change. Simply switching from “polluting” energy sources to “clean” ones will not work. We actually have to produce and use less energy altogether if we are to keep our planet liveable while fighting for justice and equity in terms of who can access and consume energy.

Squeezing communities dry: water grabbing by the global food industry

Pension fund managers, private equity firms and other financial players are moving aggressively to snatch up lands around the world with access to water for irrigation. Their strategy is to pump as much water as they can and as fast as they can into the production of crops, like fruits and nuts, that reap high prices in export markets.

Pension fund managers, private equity firms and other financial players are moving aggressively to snatch up lands around the world with access to water for irrigation. Their strategy is to pump as much water as they can and as fast as they can into the production of crops, like fruits and nuts, that reap high prices in export markets.